PLIN Linguistic Day 2018
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Next PLIN Linguistic Day at #UCL on May 18 will be livestreamed on #FacebookLive
Interested? Save the date & tune into the livestream to follow the conference:
1: Sessions 1 & 2 of the #FacebookLive of PLIN Linguistic Day at #UCL
Join us Friday May 18 from 09.30 AM on
2: Sessions 3 & 4 of the #FacebookLive of PLIN Linguistic Day at #UCL
Join us Friday May 18 from 14.00 PM on
You can also find the links on
The PLIN Day is an annual one-day thematic conference hosted by the Linguistics Research Unit of the Université catholique de Louvain. The conference has established itself over the years as an international forum for the exchange of ideas among scholars and has brought together researchers from all over the world.
The 2018 PLIN Day will take place on Friday, May 18th and is devoted to “Technological innovation in language learning and teaching”; it offers academics, professionals, undergraduate and postgraduate students an excellent opportunity to access, share and discuss cutting edge research in the field. The following (non-exhaustive) list of themes will be covered this year:
- Applying new insights from natural language processing to enhance digital scaffolding in language learning.
- Using virtual reality and serious games to leverage task-based language learning and other complex learning environments.
- Identifying the conditions under which mobile out-of-class language learning can produce the expected added value.
- Exploring the potential of corpus linguistics for developing and implementing tools for language learning.
The core of the conference will consist in keynote sessions but participants will also have the opportunity to present their most recent research and/or work in progress during an interactive poster session. You can download the updated program and list of posters here.
Important dates
15 February, 2018: Registration opens
5 March, 2018: Deadline for abstract submissions
15 March, 2018: Notification of acceptance for a poster presentation
30 April, 2018: Early bird registration closes
Penelope Collins, University of California at Irvine
Dana Gablasova, Lancaster University
Agnes Kukulska-Hulme, The Open University
Steven Thorne, University of Portland
Organizing committee
Cédrick Fairon, Université catholique de Louvain
Mathieu Lecouvet, Université catholique de Louvain
Fanny Meunier, Université catholique de Louvain
Ferran Suñer, Université catholique de Louvain