Session 3: from scientist to narrator
ilc | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons
Session 3. Process of transformation: from scientist to narrator/director
- Comperes: Philippe Hambye et Anne Catherine Simon (ILC/PLIN/Valibel)
- Contributors: Arnaud Hoedt et Jérôme Piron, diplômés en philologie romane, évoquent le projet qui a mené à la mise en scène de leur pièce, « La convivialité ».
- Supports : extraits vidéo du spectacle
- Debate:
- Scientific research and popularization work on the complex subject of French spelling and its reforms: which experts or sources have you consulted? how did you select the information? by what principles were your choices guided (precision, simplicity, objectivity, etc.)?
- The editing of the theatrical show: how did you decide to choose the theater medium rather than another? having no training in acting or directing, how, with whom, did you work? you declined the show in several versions (duration, staging): can you explain why?
- The militant character of the show: you defend a point of view on spelling, how did you work to present it so that it is admissible? how do you try to seduce, convince... the public, and for what reasons?
- Workshop: What script support for my outreach project? Scenario brainstorming.