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irss | Bruxelles Woluwe

EM-DAT project

  • Funding : BHA/USAID
  • Summary: Funded by BHA/USAID since 1999, the project aims, by leading different activities, to improve the EM-DAT Emergency Events database, including its services and products. The project focuses on 3 main axes:
  1. Database maintenance, direction, and development
  2. Strengthening partnerships for local-level disaster impact
  3. Specialized data improvement: epidemics, heat waves, and economic losses data.

Start: October 2020
End: September 2025

Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) due to disasters: the Health Burden of Disasters, a composite indicator for measuring post-disaster mortality and morbidity.

  • Funding : Fonds Spéciaux de Recherche (FSR)
  • Summary: The Health Burden of Disasters (HBD) will be a comprehensive indicator of the impact of disasters on a population's health, allowing for global comparisons at the national level. It implements hazard-specific indicators that consider specific needs. While recommended for the Global Burden of Disease (GBD), the impact of disasters has never been measured in terms of Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs). HBD will convert into DALYs mortality and morbidity data extracted from the EM-DAT Emergency Events database, augmented with a review of available complementary data. Beyond the population vulnerability resulting from economic, social, and health variables, case studies will bring a new perspective on healthcare capacity through the lens of Supply Chain Management as a potential determinant of the health impact of disasters.

Start: October 2023
End: December 2024