3 new PRD-ARES set up by Ispole members in September 2023
ispole | Louvain-la-Neuve
- Promotor: Michel Liégeois (ISPOLE-UCLouvain)
- Co-promoters: Emmanuel Klimis (USLB), Christophe Wasinski (ULB)
- Partners: Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, Centre nigérien d'étude de stratégie et de sécurité, Sahel Research Center (University of Florida)
- Promotor: Min Reuchamps (ISPOLE-UCLouvain)
- Partners: Anthony SIMONOFSKI ( Université de Namur - UNamur), Olivier SERVAIS (Université catholique de Louvain- UCLouvain), Marie-Paule KESTEMONT (Université catholique de Louvain- UCLouvain)
- Local coordinator: Abdelkrim Marzouk (Al Akhawyn University)
- Local partners: Abdelali IBRIZ - (Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah - USMBA), Maha GMIRA - (Université Euro Méditerranéenne de Fès - UEMF), Samir EL JAAFARI (Université Moulay Ismail -UMI), Driss KETTANI (Université Al Akhawyn)
The project aims to help universities and stakeholders in the Fès-Meknès region develop and appropriate the approaches and tools needed to introduce digital technology into territorial governance. In this way, it aims to contribute to the transition towards a smart and sustainable territory, in line with theAgenda 2030's sustainable development targets .
3. The public security service in Burkina Faso. Communal coordination and territorialized governance
- Promotors: Pre Fabienne Leloup (Ispole, UCLouvain), Prof Bouraïman Zongo, sociologist, Université Joseph Ki Zerbo (Burkina Faso)
- Partners: Profs Zakaria Soré and Dimitri Balima (UJKZ), Dr Emmanuel Wathelet (IHECS), Benjamin Chemouni and Emmanuelle Piccoli (UCLouvain)
The aim of the project is to develop an analysis of community policing in Burkina Faso, and to propose a new method of policing.