About PIOP
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Electoral surveys
Since 1991, PIOP and ISPO have conducted a large-scale electoral survey among a representative sample of the Belgian electorate after each general election. PIOP plans to repeat these surveys over time (panel and/or new sample, pre- and post-electoral surveys at local and national level) with a view to creating a comprehensive longitudinal database. This will make it possible to monitor changes in voting behaviour and gain a better understanding of the social and political significance of voting.
Study of political behaviour
The scope of the questionnaire devised by PIOP and ISPO produced a wide array of empirical material: information about voting behaviour and different types of conventional and non-conventional participation; data about a variety of social and cultural characteristics; and perceptions, opinions, attitudes and motivations that may explain voting choices. Furthermore, the nature of the data collected should facilitate its analysis from several viewpoints and lead to multidisciplinary research.
Empirical analysis and methodological research
PIOP’s primary purpose is the scientific analysis of data on political and public opinion. This analysis is based on in-depth theoretical reflection; it makes use of quantitative, descriptive and inferential analytical methods, as well as mathematical modelling of voting behaviour; and it combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. Methodological research, whether at the data collection or analysis stage, is an important part of the Centre’s work. One of the main areas of interest in this respect is the application of the latest statistical techniques.
Comparative studies at national and European level
The Centre specialises in comparative studies using the methodology appropriate to this type of research in order to be able to carry out intercultural analysis at national and European level under the best possible conditions. The Interuniversity Support Unit is part of ICORE (International Committee for Research into Elections and Representative Democracy). Created within ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research), ICORE seeks to promote information exchange and collaboration between different national centres responsible for electoral surveys (France, Germany, Britain, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, etc.). This collaboration enables the Centre to extend its interest in comparative research Europe-wide. This provides the opportunity to carry out systematic comparisons between countries, which is essential for determining the general or specific character of interpretations and theoretical proposals of validity. PIOP also maintains regular contact with a number of electoral data collection and analysis centres abroad in order to share findings and develop common theoretical frameworks, comparable data and methods for analysing comparative data. A dialogue has been initiated with CEVIPOF in Paris (Centre d'Etude de la Vie Politique Française – Centre for Political Research), OIP (Observatoire Interrégional du Politique – Interregional Political Observatory), CIDSP in Grenoble (Centre d’Information de Données Socio-Politiques – Socio-Political Data Archive) and ZA in Cologne (Zentral Archiv für Empirische Sozialforschung – Central Archive for Empirical Social Research).
What services does PIOP offer?
One of the Centre’s priority tasks is to make documented and archived post-electoral survey data (1991; 1995) available to the academic scientific community or any other interested users (political stakeholders, research and documentation centres, etc.). PIOP also holds data from various sources, such as surveys on elections in Belgium since 1975 (AGLOP, Régioscope, etc.) or surveys dealing with electoral issues.
Survey and polling service
PIOP has its own network of specialised pollsters, ensuring high-quality data collection. The Centre can conduct a survey from start to finish or just one or more specific components: preparation of a questionnaire, training of pollsters, interviews, response coding and data entry, and certain types of statistical analysis.
Contact Pierre Baudewyns for further information on this subject.
Analysis and methodological consultation services
PIOP has particular expertise in processing surveys, analysing data and building statistical models. It offers a methodological consultation service: data selection, analytical techniques and software use. Furthermore, the Centre provides a multilevel analysis service to interested users: regressions, dependence analysis, variance and covariance analysis, factor analysis, causal analysis, construction of attitude scales, etc.
In Belgium :
Centre d'étude de la vie politique - CEVIPOL
Centre de recherche et d'information socio-politiques - CRISP
Institut de l'Environnement et d'Aménagement du Territoire - IGEAT
Institut d'études européennes - EURO
Instituut voor Sociaal en Politiek Opinieonderzoek - ISPO
International :
Centre de recherches politiques - CEVIPOF
MZES - Université de Mannheim