Coppens Prize
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The Pierre Coppens Science Prize will be awarded for the 8th time in 2023.
This prize, worth 15,000 euro, is awarded to a doctor of law or legal sciences from a European university who is not more than 40 years old and who has written, during the previous five years, a thesis or work representing an original contribution devoted to company law or a legal topic related to companies.
The work should be written in French, Dutch, German, English, Spanish or Italian.
The prize will be awarded by an interuniversity jury.
Each book – accompanied by a CV of the author – must be sent before December 15, 2022, in PDF version and in 6 “hard” copies, to the president of the jury:
Professor Yves De Cordt
CRIDES-Jean Renauld (UCLouvain)
Thomas More College
Place Montesquieu 2, bte L2.07.01
B -1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel. +32 10474759 / +32 479237605
Presentation of Pierre COPPENS
Ordinary professor at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Louvain.
Holder of the Chair of Commercial Law and the Chair of Tax Law (direct taxes).
Former Dean of the Faculty.
Emeritus in 1987.
Further studies in France (1944-1946) and in the United States (1947-1948).
Doctorate from the Faculty of Law in Paris with a thesis on "Majority Abuse in Companies" (Henri Capitant Prize).
Graduate and former assistant at the Ecole des Sciences Politiques.
Postgraduate at the Harvard School of Law and research in financial law at the New York Bar.
Member of the group of experts entrusted by the E.E.C. with the drafting of a project for the harmonization of bankruptcy and composition procedures.
Publication of a collective work "Idées nouvelles dans le droit de la faillite" (Bruylant 1968).
Numerous publications on compensation, the rights of the seller and the liability of partners.
See also P.Coppens and A.Bailleux, " Impôts sur les revenus des personnes physiques et des sociétés " (Larcier 1975 and 1985).
Editorial secretary (1950-1971) of the "Revue pratique des sociétés", then director and owner. This journal was founded in 1889 and was the only one in its field for a century. It was transferred by donation in 1989 to the Faculty of Law of the University of Louvain with the mission to prolong its qualities. According to the plan of Professor Paul Demeur, who directed it from 1950 to 1971, it was to publish all the significant decisions in the field of companies by verifying their legal motivation and by situating each of them in the jurisprudential flows. See in particular the studies and the effervescent jurisprudence on the confusion of patrimonies: P. Coppens "La faillite du maître de la société".
Member of the Scientific Committee since 1950, Professor P. Coppens became President of the "Revue critique de jurisprudence belge" in 2000.
Lawyer at the Brussels Bar from 1948 to 2003. Business law firm: "Association Coppens, Horsmans et Malherbe", then "Coppens, Van Ommeslaghe et Faurès", Avenue Louise, Brussels.