Working papers
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- Working paper 1/2021 | “Ensuring Text and Data Mining: Remaining Issues With the EU Copyright Exceptions and Possible Ways out”. Rossana Ducato and Alain Strowel. 01/2021
- Working paper 2/2021 |“Towards a robust framework for algorithmic transparency to tackle the dissemination of illegal and harmful content on online platforms”. Alain Strowel and Laura Somaini. 02/2021
- Working paper 3/2020 | "Private Ordering of Online Platforms in Smart Urban Mobility. The Case of Uber’s Rating System". Rossana Ducato. 02/2020 - Updated on 26 July 2020
- Working paper 2/2020 | "The Risks of Patent Litigation Within the EU Enforcement Framework – How to Address Abusive Practices". Alain Strowel and Amandine Léonard. 02/2020
- Working paper 1/2020 | "Data protection, scientific research, andthe role of information". R. Ducato. 01/2020
- Working paper 5/2019 | "Est-il pertinent de définir légalement et de pénaliser les pratiques d’obsolescence prématurée ?" A.Michel.2019
- Working paper 4/2019 | "One Hashtag to Rule Them All? Mandated Disclosures and Design Duties in Influencer Marketing Practices" R.Ducato. 05/2019
- Working paper 3/2019 | "Les outils d’appropriation au service des communs numériques", A. Strowel, 01/08/2019
- Working paper 2/2019 | "Vers une première réforme du CSA ? La transposition en droit belge de la Directive 2017/828 (SRDII) visant à promouvoir l’engagement à long terme des actionnaires", P. della Faille, 2019
- Working paper 1/2019 | "Les titres et leur transfert dans la SRL", H.Culot et O.Marescal, 06/03/2019
- Working paper 1/2018 | "Limitations to Text and Data Mining and Consumer Empowerment Making the Case for a Right to “Machine Legibility”", R. Ducato et A. Strowel, 31/10/2018