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CORE, the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics, is a research center of the Université catholique de Louvain, located in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). Founded by Prof. Jacques DRÈZE in 1966, it now houses about 35 professors, and 50 doctoral and postdoctoral researchers.
It is recognized as a leading interdisciplinary research institute in the fields of economic theory, game theory, operations research and econometrics. It has developed contributions and expertise in Bayesian inference in econometrics, economic geography, economics of information, environmental economics, financial econometrics, general equilibrium theory, macroeconomic dynamics, industrial organization, public economics and social choice theory, political economics, integer programming as well as convex and large scale optimization, computational economics, regulation of network industries and risk management in the gas and electricity industries.
Together with the Institut des Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES), the Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences (ISBA), Louvain Finance (LFIN), and the SMCS, CORE is part of the Louvain Insitute of Data Analysis and Modeling in Economics and Statistics (LIDAM) where researchers develop and use a coherent set of tools and methods for quantitative modeling and analysis in their various fields of expertise.