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UCLouvain – LIDAM
(Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)
invites an application for
Pension economics and finance
Chaire ETHIAS sur les pensions
(copromoteurs Jean Hindriks & Pierre Devolder)
Starting September 15, 2024
The Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modeling in economics and statistics (LIDAM) at UCLouvain/Belgium invites applications for a doctoral position in economics to join the Sustainable Adequate and Safe Pension Project at UCLouvain in Belgium.
This interdisciplinary research project aims at critically assessing the key conditions that a pension system should fulfill to be successfully reformed. The hypothesis is that there are three such conditions: i) financial sustainability, ii) social adequacy and iii) safe governance. Hence, the ‘SAS’ acronym. The research tries to identify the pension architecture that is the most likely to generate SAS pensions. It pays particular attention to longevity heterogeneity, social and financial sustainability of pension and their implications for pension design. A special attention is also on aging and the implications for local public finance.
We are seeking outstanding candidates with a strong interest in applying economics to the above topical issues and willing to pursue a PhD at the doctoral school of the Economics School of Louvain (ESL).
- As of the date of hiring, you are holder of a Master degree (120 ECTS) in Economics, or equivalent, which you should have completed at least with honours (or belong to the top 20% of the class). Candidates who do not have a master's degree that was awarded in a country of the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland must also submit GRE test scores or GMAT scores (percentile ranking).
- You can work independently, accurately and systematically.
- You have an interest in applying economics to important issues.
- A full-time position of research assistant for one year, with the possibility of renewal.
- Salary net of taxes is of the order of 2,000 € per month. The recruited person benefits from social security benefits, end-of-year and holiday bonus, travel and computer equipment resources.
- LIDAM will provide the PhD student with office space and computer facilities.
Send to Séverine De Visscher, ideally in one PDF document and with email subject “Application to PhD position SAS-pensions”, the following information:
- your CV,
- a letter of motivation,
- at least two letters of recommendation,
- a transcript of your grades (of all subjects), your rank in class or cohort (and if applicable GRE or GMAT test scores), and/or your degree(s) at university,
the master thesis (if available, title, abstract and full text).
Deadline: July 15th 2024
Do not hesitate to send a mail for more info to Prof. Jean Hindriks