DSM PhD DAY 2021
25 May
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PhD Day of the Doctoral School of Management
The Doctoral School in Management UCLouvain - UNamur (DSM) is pleased to invite you to the 2021 DSM PhD Day that will be held online on May 25, 2021 from 9.00 to 12.30.
Doctoral students in management of the EDT “Ecole doctorale Sciences de gestion ULB/ULg/UMons” as well as from KULeuven, VUB and USLB are also invited to participate. We hope this will broaden the scope of the discussions and offer new collaboration opportunities.
The 2021 edition aims at gathering all PhD students in management around video research presentations and a conference.
Call for Video Research Presentations
The Doctoral School in Management UCLouvain - UNamur (DSM) is pleased to invite you to the 2021 DSM PhD Day that will be held online on May 25, 2021 from 9.00 to 12.30.
Doctoral students in management of the EDT “Ecole doctorale Sciences de gestion ULB/ULg/UMons” as well as from KULeuven, VUB and USLB are also invited to participate. We hope this will broaden the scope of the discussions and offer new collaboration opportunities.
The 2021 edition aims at gathering all PhD students in management around video research presentations and a conference.
Video presentations:
- You are invited to submit your 5 min video capsule that will be shown on the webpage and might be selected to be broadcasted during the event
- You may choose the video format to present your research in English in maximum 5 minutes.
- Each presentation will also have feedback from the audience by means of an evaluation grid.
A 200€ prize for the best presentation
based on the vote of the public will be awarded at the end of the event
Preleminary programme
See the videos
Keynote speech by Michelle Bergadaà
Video Selenia Anastasia
Video Matteo Barbagli
Video Sabrina Courtois
Video Grégory De Boe
Video Pauline de Montpellier d'Annevoie
Video Samuel Desguin
Video Ive Klinksiek
Video Myriam Lanotte
Video Ivan Markovic
Video Anne Méno Tamno
Video Josep Oriol Izquierdo
Video Aiste Petkeviciute
Video Kevin Pineda Hernandez
Video Chloé Satinet
Video Camilla Scola
Video Julie Solbreux
Video Laurianne Terlinden
Tuesday, 25 May 2021, 08h00Tuesday, 25 May 2021, 17h00