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Positive emotions and behaviors of workers with disabilities: The interactive role of coworker support and adjustment to disability

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People with disabilities represent the world’s largest minority group, with an estimated population of over one billion, yet disability studies are underrepresented in the diversity literature. Furthermore, while research and practice have made considerable progress in terms of access to employment for people with disabilities, research into the work experiences, motivation and behavior of persons with disabilities is lagging behind. In this study, we draw on the psychosocial approach to disability and the emotion-centered model of voluntary work behavior to examine how positive emotions and organizational citizenship behavior of workers with disabilities are contingent on two environmental and personal factors critical to their integration and emancipation at work: (1) perceived social support from coworkers, and (2) their adjustment to disability – defined as the emotional acceptance of the functional implications of an impairment into one’s self-concept. We use data from two samples (Sample 1 N = 387; Sample 2 N = 298) and find that workers with disabilities are more emotionally receptive to the support they receive from coworkers when their adjustment to disability is higher, with positive effects on their organizational citizenship behavior. The results suggest that organizations and work groups must take care to provide persons with disabilities with the social support most appropriate to their process of adjustment to disability.


Nicolas Raineri Bio (from CEREFIGE website)

Nicolas Raineri est professeur associé en gestion des ressources humaines et en comportement organisationnel. Nicolas a obtenu son doctorat en sciences de gestion à l’Université Laval, au Canada, et a poursuivi un postdoctorat à l’Université Catholique de Louvain, en Belgique. Ses recherches portent principalement sur les micro-fondements de la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (ou micro-RSE), un champ de recherche adoptant une approche centrée sur la personne et fondée sur la psychologie pour étudier la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises, notamment à travers l’étude des attitudes et des comportements des collaborateurs. Ses autres intérêts de recherche se situent dans les domaines de la psychologie de la santé et de la gestion de la diversité en entreprise. Il a exercé pendant cinq ans la fonction de rédacteur en chef adjoint pour la revue Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, et exerce désormais cette responsabilité auprès de la Revue internationale de psychosociologie et de gestion des comportements organisationnels (RIPCO). Ses travaux de recherche sont publiés dans des revues académiques internationales renommées telles que Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Ethics et Journal of Business Research. Nicolas a également plusieurs années d’expérience internationale dans l’industrie des biens de consommation, ainsi qu’une expertise de conseil dans l’évaluation et la prévention des risques psychosociaux au travail.


  • Thursday, 06 June 2024, 08h00
    Thursday, 06 June 2024, 17h00