Since the introduction of the embodied cognition framework in cognitive linguistics and social psychology, a large body of research has demonstrated linkages between everyday bodily experiences and evaluations of products, brands, and environmental settings. Based on recent findings from his research team, in his talk, Thomas van Rompay will navigate across these different disciplines and reflect on the implications for branding and design practice with a special focus on healthy lifestyle development and wellbeing.
Thomas van Rompay bio
Thomas van Rompay is department chair and associate professor at the Department of Communication Science of the University of Twente (UT) in the Netherlands. He has a background in cognitive psychology. After obtaining his master degree at Leiden University, he pursued his PhD at Delft Technical University, Department of Industrial Design Engineering where he studied design experience from an embodied cognition perspective. Since 2005, he works at The University of Twente. His current research projects take place on the threshold of design and psychology where he studies influences of environmental design and technology on health and well-being, and the potential of innovations in packaging design (multisensory design and 3D printing) for promoting responsible (food and beverage) consumption.