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Congratulations to Josep Oriol Izquierdo Montfort!

lourim | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons

4 July 2024, modified on 6 December 2024

Congratulations to Josep Oriol Izquierdo Montfort, PhD researcher in circular economy, who won, together with Yves De Rongé, his supervisor, the Best Paper Award of the Business for Society SIG at EURAM Doctoral Colloquium and Conference. 

This award honours the paper “Exploring the Diversity of Circular Business Models: Towards a Classifier-Centric Model”, which contributes to enhance the clarity, consistence, and applicability of circular business model classifications and classes, ultimately facilitating a more comprehensive understanding of circular business models benefiting both research and practice, and proposing further research avenues.

EURAM was held this year in Bath (UK) from June 25 to 28, around the theme “Fostering innovation to address grand challenges”.

And as if that wasn't enough, another paper also won an award at a second conference! At the NBM International Conference on New Business Models, Oriol with Yves De Rongé won the Best Conference Paper Award for its paper entitled 'Decoding Circular Business Models: A Study of Terminological Foundations in Classification Schemas'.

This year's NBM Conference was held from July 4 and 5 in Donostia (Spain).

The research carried out by the Candriam Chair in Circular Economics has received a great deal of recognition.