Congratulations to Julie Battilana, DHC LouRIM 2024 !
lourim | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons

From left to right: Prof. Julie Battilana, DHC LouRIM, Prof. Guilhem Bascle, Julie's academic sponsor, Prof. Valérie Swaen, LouRIM president and Prof. Florence Stinglhamber, Vice rector to the personal.
What a success! Last week, as part of a joint honorary doctorate with the LSM, we were delighted to welcome Julie Battilana, from Harvard University, on behalf of LouRIM, and Jean-Paul Larçon, from HEC Paris, on behalf of LSM. For two days, we had the chance to listen to these two personalities, to gain a better understanding of their research, but above all, to discover their concrete commitments to serving society.
The debate on 15 April was a fine demonstration of this commitment to society, thanks to their many contributions on topical subjects such as artificial intelligence, contemporary geopolitics, corporate social responsibility and current education in management schools.
The lecture and seminar given by Julie Battilana were also a great opportunity for students, researchers and academics to get to grips with the notion of 'power' so dear to our DHC. You can find out more about the entire seminar here.
Finally, our ceremony was an opportunity to honour these two fine personalities, to thank them for their commitment both to research and to society, and to illustrate brilliantly the notion of impact that we were highlighting within this event!
Thank you to them, and thank you to everyone for attending and helping us to honour these two researchers.