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Focus on… The LUI project with the MIT Media Lab

lourim | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons

3 August 2022, modified on 6 December 2024

As an important paper of this project will published soon, let's take a look at the LUI project conducted within the institute!

In 2019, the Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations secured funding to collaborate with the Large User Interface (LUI) project ( launched by the Media Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This project involves in our institute Prof. Jean Vanderdonckt and researchers, Nicolas Burny, Quentin Sellier and Arthur Sluÿters. Initiated by Vik Parthiban, research associate at MIT Media Lab, and Michael Bove, Professor at MIT Media Lab, now with Pattie Maes, also Professor at MIT Media Lab, the LUI system is a scalable, affordable web-based system that enables end user to display and manipulate multimedia objects, such as pictures, videos, maps, documents, by free-handed gestures and voice control with a single stereo-camera and voice assistant.

The LUI system is ready to be deployed in corporate environments, such as in meeting rooms, as well as in public and private environments, such as a shopping mall or a family room. Thanks to gestures and voice, end users manipulate multimedia objects without using any keyboard, mouse, or other pointing device.

This project is funded by the MISTI's Global Seed Funds program (, which supports MIT's global engagement by promoting collaborations between MIT faculty and researchers and their counterparts abroad. In Belgium, two universities are eligible for this instrument: KULeuven and UCLouvain ( Such projects involve faculty members, PhD students and master students. We are now pursuing the extension of this project to the Metaverse with new LSM master students and Nicolas Burny.

This project resulted also in two papers published jointly with MIT Media Lab:


A demonstration video is accessible at