Code of conduct
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UCLouvain promotes a code of conduct aimed at eliminating unacceptable acts and behaviour from university life. The code of conduct defines such acts and behaviour as follows:
Any actions or words that seriously threaten and/or physically and/or psychologically harm a person or persons.
Sexual integrity offences
A range of sexist or sexual conduct that is psychologically and/or physically damaging to a person, whether threatened or actually committed (e.g. indecent assault or rape). Sexual integrity offences also include behaviour that calls into question a person’s sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
In its most general sense, prejudicial differential treatment applied in an abusive manner on the basis of racial, physical (e.g. disability), social, religious, philosophical, sexual or other criteria.
Any act of discrimination, harassment, hatred or violence of a racist nature, i.e. based on a principled animosity towards a particular ethnic origin or nationality. It also covers acts of proselytising or incitement to racial hatred.
Psychological harassment
Repeated abusive conduct manifested by behaviour, speech, intimidation, acts, gestures or writings, the purpose or effect of which is to undermine the character, dignity or physical or psychological integrity of a person or to create an intimidating, discrediting, hostile, humiliating or offensive environment.
Sexual harassment
Any form of verbal, non-verbal or physical behaviour of a sexual nature or connotation, which the perpetrator knows or ought to know violates the dignity of persons with regard to their gender. Oppressive remarks or gestures may therefore constitute sexual harassment when the perpetrator knows or ought to know that such remarks or gestures are inappropriate and constitute sexual advances or unwanted sexual interest.
The above forms of violence may occur in physical settings (classrooms, offices, student residences, sports facilities, etc.) or virtual settings (social networks, forums, etc.) or via any form of mobile phone or online messaging.
UCLouvain also intends to pay particular attention when the perpetrator is a staff member whose behaviour constitutes an abuse of power and/or occurs in the context of a supervisor-subordinate relationship. In addition, the behaviour and attitudes mentioned above which have physically, psychologically and emotionally affected the course of studies of UCLouvain students will be the subject of specific institutional monitoring.