Campaign against sexual harassment and assault (2021-22)
A sticker was produced in 35,000 copies with the message: “Harcèlement ? Agression sexuelle ? Le coupable, c’est l’agresseur ! L’UCLouvain te soutient. Une écoute, une aide psychologique, un accompagnement, un dépôt de plainte, en toute confidentialité” (“Harassment? Sexual assault? The perpetrator is the guilty party! UCLouvain supports you. A sympathetic ear, psychological help, support, formal complaints, in complete confidentiality”). The sticker was included in the welcome pack for new UCLouvain students. It was also displayed in all the university’s accommodation and activity areas, along with emergency phone numbers.
“Together against sexual harassment” (2019-20) institutional awareness campaign
Other campaigns
Each year, the Student Support Service, in collaboration with Univers Santé, organises health promotion activities through awareness-raising campaigns, particularly on the subject of emotional and sexual life. These campaigns deal with themes such as consent, valuing diversity, gender equality, etc. The Together unit joins them as a specialised service for the care of victims.