2024 CISM HPC training sessions: registration is open!
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The new season of HPC training courses organized by CISM and its partners starts in October.
Don't hesitate to register and spread the word to your colleagues!
The CISM platform (turning 20 years old this year1) and the Consortium des Équipements de Calcul Intensif organize, this year again, training related to high-performance computing on clusters, intended for researchers.
The offer covers basics of using Linux and the command line to more advanced topics such as parallel computing on graphics accelerators, along with data management.
Sessions start in October, and include, this year, a new session about Make and CMake for developers.
Participation is free but registration is mandatory on the CISM website.
1 The platform will celebrate its 20th anniversary during a small reception at the end of the day on December 5th. Come with us to drink to this important milestone!
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