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PhD programme manager

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Within each subject-specific doctoral committee (CDD), the PhD programme manager(s) take(s) care of the day-to-day administrative management of PhD studies.

They inform prospective PhD students about thesis options and the procedures to be followed.

They inform PhD students about the various stages in their studies and the obligations incumbent on them.

They attend meetings of the CDD, act as its secretary and follow up with the various parties involved.

They provide information about doctoral training activities. In some cases, they provide administrative support to the Administrative Office of the Fund for Scientific Research - FNRS Graduate Colleges.

They provide practical help with organising thesis defences and ensure that these are publicised within UCL.

Consequently, whether you are a PhD student, supervisor, member of a supervisory panel, chair or member of a PhD examination board, the PhD programme manager(s) will be your focal point for all relevant information and for passing on any requests or questions to the CDDs.