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Choosing a PhD supervisor

It is your responsibility to choose a PhD supervisor who agrees to guide you through your doctoral studies. Supervisors must be UCL staff members authorised to oversee a PhD thesis. If your research topic warrants it, you may choose more than one supervisor from among the academic staff members of UCL or another university.

You can look for a potential supervisor at UCL via the webpages of each Research Institute: here you will find research areas, as well the names of the institute’s members.

Role of the supervisor(s)

Your supervisor will have an important role to play at every stage of your doctoral studies, from admission to the awarding of your degree:

  • Preparation of your application: you will put together your admission application with the help of your supervisor; this includes developing all aspects of your thesis proposal (especially work schedule and inventory of human, material and financial resources), selecting the members of your supervisory panel, choosing your doctoral training activities, etc.

  • During your studies: your supervisor undertakes to effectively and personally oversee your work for your thesis. The other members of the supervisory panel also undertake to provide regular assistance and are available on request.

  • At the end of your studies: your supervisor, together with the other members of the supervisory panel, will assess your thesis work with a view to your successfully completing the final stages of your doctoral studies. In addition, your supervisor sits on the PhD examination board during both the private defence and the public defence.