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Planifier les couts du data management

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Data management may be costly. This page will help you approximate and finance this costs.

Consider the data management costs of every step of your research project. 

Depending on your research funder, some of these costs may be eligible during or after the research-project period.

How to do it?

1. Try to approximate these costs. 

See  the Utrecht university data management cost guide:

2. Contact the ADFI or ADRE contact (that depends on your funder: H2020, ERC, FNRS, etc.) to know whether these costs are eligible in your research projects. 

Some examples:

(1) You might need help from one of your fellow colleague at some steps of the process and take into account his/her payment in the cost. You may, for example, need the help of your “logisticien de recherche” for one month, and he/she should be pay via this grant too.

(2) Some storage or repository solution may also be costly. Be careful to these aspects when considering storage or repository solutions. For example, storage costs are available in H2020 projetcs. 

(3) The CISM platform provides storage for large amounts of data at cost price. The details of the pricing are explained at this page:

 (4) Sharing the data through an OpenData platform such as also can incur costs.