Archive des événements passés du site Earth and Life Institute
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Role of exogenous organic matter in the transfer of trace elements in the soil-plant system: contribution of metal isotopes, rare earth elements, and organic matter characterization by Bryan Arbalestrie18 Dec
Towards new models of coexistence: A practical case study for a sustainable and harmless way of living for humans in a tr by Anne Bransopical forest ecosystem in Costa Rica12 Dec
From insect endosymbiont to phloem colonizer: lifestyle transition of the phytopathogenic Arsenophonus strains by Dr Mathieu Mahillon (Ghent University)10 Dec
Climatic and lithological control on soil development in volcanic islands. Case study: Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos Archipelago by Rose Paque10 DecSoils play a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth. However, these vital resources are threatened, leading to significant degradation.En savoir plusClimatic and lithological control on soil development in volcanic islands. Case study: Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos Archipelago by Rose Paque10 DecSoils play a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth. However, these vital resources are threatened, leading to significant degradation.
25 years of forest condition monitoring in Wallonia: some answers and new questions by Hugues TITEUX10 Dec
La géologie du Maroc by Prof. El Hassani de l'Université de Rabat10 Dec
Impact humain sur le flux des sédiments dans la région du lac Kivu, R.D. Congo by Montfort Bagalwa Rukeza09 DecDans la région du lac Kivu (RLK), la conservation des sols est confrontée à des défis liés à l’explosion démographique, à la déforestation, à l’érosion des sols, aux inondations et à l’accès limité aux ressources de sols.En savoir plusImpact humain sur le flux des sédiments dans la région du lac Kivu, R.D. Congo by Montfort Bagalwa Rukeza09 DecDans la région du lac Kivu (RLK), la conservation des sols est confrontée à des défis liés à l’explosion démographique, à la déforestation, à l’érosion des sols, aux inondations et à l’accès limité aux ressources de sols.
When there is a light that never goes out: Impact of light pollution on moths by Evert Van de Schoot05 Dec
Effectiveness of conservation cropping practices in mitigating runoff, soil erosion, and pesticide surface losses in Northwestern Europe by Timothée Clément02 DecSoils of the Western European loess belt are intensively cultivated and particularly prone to runoff and soil erosion. Besides threatening soil resources, overland flows cause muddy floods that damage infrastructure downstream and pollute water bodies by transferring nutrients and pesticides.En savoir plusEffectiveness of conservation cropping practices in mitigating runoff, soil erosion, and pesticide surface losses in Northwestern Europe by Timothée Clément02 DecSoils of the Western European loess belt are intensively cultivated and particularly prone to runoff and soil erosion. Besides threatening soil resources, overland flows cause muddy floods that damage infrastructure downstream and pollute water bodies by transferring nutrients and pesticides.
Whose plastic is that? Combining oceanographic modelling and observations with Bayesian inference to track marine plastic pollution by Eric van SEBILLE02 DecThe world's ocean currents can transport material like plastic over vast scales, connecting waste generated on one continent to impacts on another. Yet, it seems most plastic pollution found at any particular location is relatively local, often originating from within the same country.En savoir plusWhose plastic is that? Combining oceanographic modelling and observations with Bayesian inference to track marine plastic pollution by Eric van SEBILLE02 DecThe world's ocean currents can transport material like plastic over vast scales, connecting waste generated on one continent to impacts on another. Yet, it seems most plastic pollution found at any particular location is relatively local, often originating from within the same country.