Archive des événements passés du site Earth and Life Institute
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How do soil type and root hairs impact root water uptake (RWU)? by Axelle Koch03 Mar
Research Data Management01 MarAdeline Grard offers a data management training created specifically for ELI members! What : the data best practices of each research data cycle steps. More information on the UCLouvain Libraries' training catalog. Register ACELI13 - Research Data ManagementEn savoir plusResearch Data Management01 MarAdeline Grard offers a data management training created specifically for ELI members! What : the data best practices of each research data cycle steps. More information on the UCLouvain Libraries' training catalog. Register ACELI13 - Research Data Management
Back from Antarctica: what it's like to do fieldwork there by Marie Cavitte28 Feb
The use of spoor surveys to study wildlife densities, distribution and connectivity : a case of study in the Kalahari, Botswana by Marie-Charlotte Gielen24 Feb
Farmers’ view on local short food supply chains: The case of fresh vegetables in Wallonia, Belgium by Laura Enthoven22 FebLocal food systems and short food supply chains have drawn a lot of attention over the past decades. While consumers’ preferences and willingness to pay for local food have been widely explored in high-income countries, farmers’ multifactorial choice of marketing channels remains poorly investigated.En savoir plusFarmers’ view on local short food supply chains: The case of fresh vegetables in Wallonia, Belgium by Laura Enthoven22 FebLocal food systems and short food supply chains have drawn a lot of attention over the past decades. While consumers’ preferences and willingness to pay for local food have been widely explored in high-income countries, farmers’ multifactorial choice of marketing channels remains poorly investigated.
Extreme seed longevity by Israel Oren22 Feb
Hydrodynamic modelling of tide propagation in a tropical delta:overcoming the challenges of data scarcity by Ignace Pelckmans (University of Antwerp)22 FebTropical river deltas are hotspots of humanactivity, but their vulnerability to flood risks is increasing due to sea levelrise and worldwide conversion of mangroves, acting as natural buffers againstmarine flooding, into human land use. Moreover, extreme sea levels notablydriven by climatic fluctuations such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, areprojected to intensify with global warming.En savoir plusHydrodynamic modelling of tide propagation in a tropical delta:overcoming the challenges of data scarcity by Ignace Pelckmans (University of Antwerp)22 FebTropical river deltas are hotspots of humanactivity, but their vulnerability to flood risks is increasing due to sea levelrise and worldwide conversion of mangroves, acting as natural buffers againstmarine flooding, into human land use. Moreover, extreme sea levels notablydriven by climatic fluctuations such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, areprojected to intensify with global warming.
Poleward shift of atmospheric and oceanic circulation under climate change: evidence, mechanism by Dr. Hu Yang21 FebOceanic and atmospheric circulation plays a vital role in regulating the regional climate and the spatial distribution of natural ecosystems. Therefore, it is important to understand how it responds to climate change.En savoir plusPoleward shift of atmospheric and oceanic circulation under climate change: evidence, mechanism by Dr. Hu Yang21 FebOceanic and atmospheric circulation plays a vital role in regulating the regional climate and the spatial distribution of natural ecosystems. Therefore, it is important to understand how it responds to climate change.
Puerto Rican bees: Phylogeny, distribution, and gut microbiome (Preliminary data) by Elif Kardas17 FebElif Kardas (University of Puerto Rico) will give a seminar « Puerto Rican bees: Phylogeny, distribution, and gut microbiome (Preliminary data)En savoir plusPuerto Rican bees: Phylogeny, distribution, and gut microbiome (Preliminary data) by Elif Kardas17 FebElif Kardas (University of Puerto Rico) will give a seminar « Puerto Rican bees: Phylogeny, distribution, and gut microbiome (Preliminary data)
Using connectivity to assess marine protected areas in the centre of Coral Triangle by Irfana Diah Faryuni15 Feb