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Quantification des réponses hydrologiques du bassin versant Bayech sous les projections de changement climatique by Zaineb ALI10 Feb
Assessment and exploration of innovative farming options for sustainable improvement of soybean and maize production in Northern Benin08 FebBrice Sinhouenon who will tell us about the "Assessment and exploration of innovative farming options for sustainable improvement of soybean and maize production in Northern Benin" exceptionnally in French PEPA/General Teams channelEn savoir plusAssessment and exploration of innovative farming options for sustainable improvement of soybean and maize production in Northern Benin08 FebBrice Sinhouenon who will tell us about the "Assessment and exploration of innovative farming options for sustainable improvement of soybean and maize production in Northern Benin" exceptionnally in French PEPA/General Teams channel
The different steps for mapping tropical forests in central Africa at 20m spatial resolution by Juliette Dalimier08 FebTeams
Mise en page sur Qgis (French)07 FebMise en page sur Qgis (French) given by Baptiste Delhez. Register hereEn savoir plusMise en page sur Qgis (French)07 FebMise en page sur Qgis (French) given by Baptiste Delhez. Register here
In silico analysis of the influence of root hydraulic anatomy on maize (Zea mays) water uptake by Adrien Heymans07 FebFor plants and especially for maize (Zea mays), experiencing water deficit at key phenological stages can cause critical yield losses. As such, there is a need to understand the complex plant hydraulic behavior in constraining environments. Within plant diversity, landraces may hold root systems hydraulic architecture that are well fitted to specific pedo-climatic environments.En savoir plusIn silico analysis of the influence of root hydraulic anatomy on maize (Zea mays) water uptake by Adrien Heymans07 FebFor plants and especially for maize (Zea mays), experiencing water deficit at key phenological stages can cause critical yield losses. As such, there is a need to understand the complex plant hydraulic behavior in constraining environments. Within plant diversity, landraces may hold root systems hydraulic architecture that are well fitted to specific pedo-climatic environments.
Tripartite interactions of Rice stripe necrosis virus, Polymyxa graminis and Oryza sativa04 FebRice stripe necrosis virus (RSNV) is the causal agent of the rice crinckle disease. Considered as an (re-)emerging virus in South America and West Africa, little data are available on the virus, and especially how the virus interact with its host plant and its plasmodiophorid vector, Polymyxa graminis. The tripartite interactions between RSNV, P.En savoir plusTripartite interactions of Rice stripe necrosis virus, Polymyxa graminis and Oryza sativa04 FebRice stripe necrosis virus (RSNV) is the causal agent of the rice crinckle disease. Considered as an (re-)emerging virus in South America and West Africa, little data are available on the virus, and especially how the virus interact with its host plant and its plasmodiophorid vector, Polymyxa graminis. The tripartite interactions between RSNV, P.
Impact of land use and land cover change on predicted flow uncertainty in the Siliana catchment (Northwestern Tunisia) by Imen EL GHOUL03 Feb
Etude de la vulnérabilité du douglas dans un contexte environnemental changeant au travers d’une analyse dendrochronologique by Camille Guisset03 Feb
Museum wet-collection as DNA archives by Nicolas Straube03 FebDr. Nicolas Straube (University Museum of Bergen - Norway) : « Museum wet-collection as DNA archives »En savoir plusMuseum wet-collection as DNA archives by Nicolas Straube03 FebDr. Nicolas Straube (University Museum of Bergen - Norway) : « Museum wet-collection as DNA archives »
Assessment and exploration of innovative farming options for sustainable improvement of soybean and maize production in Northern Benin by Brice Sinhouenon01 FebPEPA/General Teams channel