Archive des événements passés du site Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations
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Doctoral Course - Theories of Organizations in Management05 Feb11 MarLLSMA2006 - Theories of Organizations in Management – 5 ECTS Prof. Régis Coeurderoy Description See the full course description here Why do firms exist? And why markets and other arrangements among individual or collective actors exist? How can we explain the causes and consequences of interactions and collaborations between actors?En savoir plusDoctoral Course - Theories of Organizations in Management05 Feb11 MarLLSMA2006 - Theories of Organizations in Management – 5 ECTS Prof. Régis Coeurderoy Description See the full course description here Why do firms exist? And why markets and other arrangements among individual or collective actors exist? How can we explain the causes and consequences of interactions and collaborations between actors?
LouRIM Research Day 202426 JanProgramme of the day 12.00 - 1.00 pm Lunch 1.00 - 1.15 pm Welcome speech 1.15 - 1.45 pm Presentation of the LouRIM Seed Fund winner 1.45 - 2.45 pm Presentation of the LouRIM’s 2022 highlights 2.45 - 3.00 pm Break 3.En savoir plusLouRIM Research Day 202426 JanProgramme of the day 12.00 - 1.00 pm Lunch 1.00 - 1.15 pm Welcome speech 1.15 - 1.45 pm Presentation of the LouRIM Seed Fund winner 1.45 - 2.45 pm Presentation of the LouRIM’s 2022 highlights 2.45 - 3.00 pm Break 3.
Research seminar: Organizadons-nous, s’organiser en commun sur la zad de Notre-Dame-des-Landes19 JanAccess on Teams Organizadons-nous, s’organiser en commun sur la zad de Notre-Dame-des-Landes L’Anthropocène invite à désanthropocentrer les sciences de gestion en envisageant des organisations plus qu’humaines, mais aussi à explorer des formes alternatives à l’organisation capitaliste.En savoir plusResearch seminar: Organizadons-nous, s’organiser en commun sur la zad de Notre-Dame-des-Landes19 JanAccess on Teams Organizadons-nous, s’organiser en commun sur la zad de Notre-Dame-des-Landes L’Anthropocène invite à désanthropocentrer les sciences de gestion en envisageant des organisations plus qu’humaines, mais aussi à explorer des formes alternatives à l’organisation capitaliste.
LouRIM international Christmas22 DecYou are all invited to participate in the LouRIM Christmas dinner taking place on 22 December from 12:00 to 14:00. Please join and bring a dish you fancy from a country you like - your country of origin or a country you visited. This event is completely informal, but it requires some organisation to run smoothly.En savoir plusLouRIM international Christmas22 DecYou are all invited to participate in the LouRIM Christmas dinner taking place on 22 December from 12:00 to 14:00. Please join and bring a dish you fancy from a country you like - your country of origin or a country you visited. This event is completely informal, but it requires some organisation to run smoothly.
Journée du marketing18 DecJournée d'étude rassemblant les chercheurs et chercheuses en marketing de l'ULB, ULiège, UMons, UNamur & UCLouvain.En savoir plusJournée du marketing18 DecJournée d'étude rassemblant les chercheurs et chercheuses en marketing de l'ULB, ULiège, UMons, UNamur & UCLouvain.
Informal Research Presentation by Flore VANCOMPERNOLLE VROMMAN - 15 December 202315 DecReducing discrimination in classification algorithms Discrimination and segregation have become major societal concerns while the increasing use of algorithms in various domains raises interest in their fairness and transparency.En savoir plusInformal Research Presentation by Flore VANCOMPERNOLLE VROMMAN - 15 December 202315 DecReducing discrimination in classification algorithms Discrimination and segregation have become major societal concerns while the increasing use of algorithms in various domains raises interest in their fairness and transparency.
Research seminar: Le metavers et les technologies immersives : concepts, approches et enjeux socio-économiques12 DecAccess on Teams Le Metaverse et les Technologies Immersives: Concepts, Approches et enjeux socio-économiques by Prof. Rachid Gherbi (Université Paris-Saclay) Le Metaverse englobe toutes les technologies immersives comme la réalité virtuelle, la réalité augmentée, etc. Ces technologies sont connues pour être efficaces pour les simulations 3D interactives et immersives.En savoir plusResearch seminar: Le metavers et les technologies immersives : concepts, approches et enjeux socio-économiques12 DecAccess on Teams Le Metaverse et les Technologies Immersives: Concepts, Approches et enjeux socio-économiques by Prof. Rachid Gherbi (Université Paris-Saclay) Le Metaverse englobe toutes les technologies immersives comme la réalité virtuelle, la réalité augmentée, etc. Ces technologies sont connues pour être efficaces pour les simulations 3D interactives et immersives.
Breakfast "Saint Nicolas"05 DecPlease join us all for a leisurely breakfast to celebrate St. Nicolas, the famous bringer of gifts. Come and enjoy cougnous, speculoos, marshmallows, chocolates, nic-nacs, fruits ... and drinks. Just bring your mug and register by 30 November. You will receive an e-mail confirming your registration. For catering purposes we cannot accept any registrations past this date.En savoir plusBreakfast "Saint Nicolas"05 DecPlease join us all for a leisurely breakfast to celebrate St. Nicolas, the famous bringer of gifts. Come and enjoy cougnous, speculoos, marshmallows, chocolates, nic-nacs, fruits ... and drinks. Just bring your mug and register by 30 November. You will receive an e-mail confirming your registration. For catering purposes we cannot accept any registrations past this date.
CANCELLED - ARC MOOCResearch 2.0 - Methods in argumentation research - Quantifying qualities30 NovThis event has been cancelled Ispy seminar Freydis Vogel, University of Hamburg, Faculty of Education Argumentative discourse is attributed various benefits in learning and problem solving. From the perspective of developing social competencies, argumentation skills are relevant to many domains and situations, particularly in collaborative problem solving.En savoir plusCANCELLED - ARC MOOCResearch 2.0 - Methods in argumentation research - Quantifying qualities30 NovThis event has been cancelled Ispy seminar Freydis Vogel, University of Hamburg, Faculty of Education Argumentative discourse is attributed various benefits in learning and problem solving. From the perspective of developing social competencies, argumentation skills are relevant to many domains and situations, particularly in collaborative problem solving.
Strategic Research Workshop with Stakeholders - Connecting the Unconnected10 NovAGENDA Building a Sustainable Innovative Entrepreneurship Education Ecosystem 14:00-14:15 Introduction and Welcoming Prof. Paul Belleflamme, Associate Dean, Louvain School of Management, UCLouvain 14:15-15:00 Keynotes Prof.En savoir plusStrategic Research Workshop with Stakeholders - Connecting the Unconnected10 NovAGENDA Building a Sustainable Innovative Entrepreneurship Education Ecosystem 14:00-14:15 Introduction and Welcoming Prof. Paul Belleflamme, Associate Dean, Louvain School of Management, UCLouvain 14:15-15:00 Keynotes Prof.