Archive des événements passés du site Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations
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Deep Time Walk17 MayLe 17 mai de 9h30 à 12h30, l’Institut organise une “Deep Time Walk” dans le Bois de Lauzelle (LLN). Une Deep Time Walk est une balade de 4,6 km dans les bois, dont le but est de représenter un voyage transformateur au travers des 4,6 milliards d’années d’histoire de la Terre. Chaque mètre parcouru représente donc 1 million d’années d’histoire.En savoir plusDeep Time Walk17 MayLe 17 mai de 9h30 à 12h30, l’Institut organise une “Deep Time Walk” dans le Bois de Lauzelle (LLN). Une Deep Time Walk est une balade de 4,6 km dans les bois, dont le but est de représenter un voyage transformateur au travers des 4,6 milliards d’années d’histoire de la Terre. Chaque mètre parcouru représente donc 1 million d’années d’histoire.
Research Seminar: The tiny Trump in all of us26 AprFormer U.S. President Donald Trump does not have a reputation for subtlety. His behavior has been called self-absorbed, even narcissistic, or rude and generally very impolite.En savoir plusResearch Seminar: The tiny Trump in all of us26 AprFormer U.S. President Donald Trump does not have a reputation for subtlety. His behavior has been called self-absorbed, even narcissistic, or rude and generally very impolite.
Informal Research Seminar by Ghazaleh Aghakhani26 AprOn the ability of novice modelers to identify, represent and trace tactical and strategic conceptual elements in business process and enterprise modeling Ghazaleh Aghakhani (LouRIM), Koen Heeren (KU Leuven), Yves Wautelet (KU Leuven), Stephan Poelmans (KU Leuven), Manuel Kolp (LouRIM) Summary Business Process Modeling (BPM) is a widely adopted practice information systems develEn savoir plusInformal Research Seminar by Ghazaleh Aghakhani26 AprOn the ability of novice modelers to identify, represent and trace tactical and strategic conceptual elements in business process and enterprise modeling Ghazaleh Aghakhani (LouRIM), Koen Heeren (KU Leuven), Yves Wautelet (KU Leuven), Stephan Poelmans (KU Leuven), Manuel Kolp (LouRIM) Summary Business Process Modeling (BPM) is a widely adopted practice information systems devel
Research seminar: Pushing Forward the Transition to a Circular Economy by Adopting an Actor Engagement Lens26 AprCircular business models (CBMs), such as product-service systems, are rapidly gaining traction in light of a transition to a more circular and sustainable economy. The authors call for a new approach to inform and guide the development and adoption of these CBMs.En savoir plusResearch seminar: Pushing Forward the Transition to a Circular Economy by Adopting an Actor Engagement Lens26 AprCircular business models (CBMs), such as product-service systems, are rapidly gaining traction in light of a transition to a more circular and sustainable economy. The authors call for a new approach to inform and guide the development and adoption of these CBMs.
Research seminar: Extracting the Low-Coverage Juice: Exploiting Information of Alternative data with High Missing Ratio for Financial Forecasting25 AprIn the ever-evolving landscape of financial forecasting, the emergence of machine learning has revolutionized the way we approach predicting company financials and stock prices. Alternative data sources, ranging from social media sentiment to credit card transactions, offer a wealth of untapped insights for financial forecasting.En savoir plusResearch seminar: Extracting the Low-Coverage Juice: Exploiting Information of Alternative data with High Missing Ratio for Financial Forecasting25 AprIn the ever-evolving landscape of financial forecasting, the emergence of machine learning has revolutionized the way we approach predicting company financials and stock prices. Alternative data sources, ranging from social media sentiment to credit card transactions, offer a wealth of untapped insights for financial forecasting.
Research Seminar: Developing your complete academic profile for the 2020s25 AprLuk Warlop will discuss the skill sets that academics need: 3 pillars to a complete profile: excellent research-societal relevance-research based teaching, and how that links to the overall role of academia in society (also in business and marketing), to acquiring external grant money, and to your own job satisfaction as an academic Luk Warlop Bio (from BI Norwegian BusiEn savoir plusResearch Seminar: Developing your complete academic profile for the 2020s25 AprLuk Warlop will discuss the skill sets that academics need: 3 pillars to a complete profile: excellent research-societal relevance-research based teaching, and how that links to the overall role of academia in society (also in business and marketing), to acquiring external grant money, and to your own job satisfaction as an academic Luk Warlop Bio (from BI Norwegian Busi
2024 Honorary Doctorates LSM-LouRIM15 Apr16 AprTo commemorate both the 35th anniversary of the CEMS Alliance and the integration of the Louvain School of Management into this prestigious Alliance, the Louvain School of Management, in collaboration with the Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations, is organizing a ceremony to bestow honorary doctorates.En savoir plus2024 Honorary Doctorates LSM-LouRIM15 Apr16 AprTo commemorate both the 35th anniversary of the CEMS Alliance and the integration of the Louvain School of Management into this prestigious Alliance, the Louvain School of Management, in collaboration with the Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations, is organizing a ceremony to bestow honorary doctorates.
Workshop « Repenser le soutien entrepreneurial »11 Apr12 AprThème de l’édition 2024 : « Déconstruire et revisiter la notion de soutien entrepreneurial » Troisième édition organisée par l’ESSCA School of Management Sur son campus de Bordeaux (France) Les 11 et 12 avril 2024 En collaboration avec l’UCLouvain, l’ESG UQAM et l’Université Laval Par Xavier Lesage, Amélie Jacquemin, Olivier Germain et Michel de Blois Sous le mécénat de l’En savoir plusWorkshop « Repenser le soutien entrepreneurial »11 Apr12 AprThème de l’édition 2024 : « Déconstruire et revisiter la notion de soutien entrepreneurial » Troisième édition organisée par l’ESSCA School of Management Sur son campus de Bordeaux (France) Les 11 et 12 avril 2024 En collaboration avec l’UCLouvain, l’ESG UQAM et l’Université Laval Par Xavier Lesage, Amélie Jacquemin, Olivier Germain et Michel de Blois Sous le mécénat de l’
Public thesis defense of Mehdi Ousmer11 AprA Systematic Procedure for Comparative Testing of 3D Hand Gesture Template-Based Recognizers in Multiple Contexts of Use The advent of embedded and wearable sensors and devices with precise tracking capabilities has paved the way for 3D gesture recognition. Designing usable gesture-based user interfaces is already challenging to address both gesture usability and recognition.En savoir plusPublic thesis defense of Mehdi Ousmer11 AprA Systematic Procedure for Comparative Testing of 3D Hand Gesture Template-Based Recognizers in Multiple Contexts of Use The advent of embedded and wearable sensors and devices with precise tracking capabilities has paved the way for 3D gesture recognition. Designing usable gesture-based user interfaces is already challenging to address both gesture usability and recognition.
Embodied writing workshop by E. Mandalaki11 AprThis seminar will focus on writing academic work differently through engagement with diverse writing patterns and methods as well as with embodied exercises involving movement and inter-corporeal connections between participants and lecturers.En savoir plusEmbodied writing workshop by E. Mandalaki11 AprThis seminar will focus on writing academic work differently through engagement with diverse writing patterns and methods as well as with embodied exercises involving movement and inter-corporeal connections between participants and lecturers.