David A. Westbrook
drt | Louvain-la-Neuve
State University of New York, University at Buffalo
Domaine d'expertise : Droit international, anthropologie de la globalisation
David A. Westbrook thinks and writes about the social and intellectual consequences of contemporary political economy. His work influences numerous disciplines, including law, economics, finance, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies and design. He has spoken on six continents to academics, business and financial leaders, members of the security community, civil institutions and governments, often with the sponsorship of the U.S. State Department.
Westbrook has published numerous articles and book chapters, as well as five books, most recently Out of Crisis: Rethinking Our Financial Markets and Deploying Ourselves: Islamist Violence and the Responsible Projection of U.S. Force. His nature photography has appeared in The Flume, the official paper of Park County, Colorado.
Westbrook teaches on business and international topics, including basic courses in corporations and international law.
- Vendredi 03 novembre 2017 de 08h30 à 10h30 (AGOR 02) : « EU and the World : how to think about ourselves ? » [Droit des relations internationales de l'UE - DREU2203]
- Mardi 31 octobre 2017 de 12h30 à 14h30 (Salle Dabin) : « The politics of large polities : the imagination of identities and allegiance in the EU, US and Russia » - Lunch -talk séminaire conjoint avec Dimitry Kochenov.
- Mardi 31 octobre 2017 de 15h00 à 17h00 (Salle Dabin) : "Deploying Ourselves. Islamist Violence and the Responsible Projection of US Force". Séminaire réservé aux chercheurs et doctorants.
- Jeudi 02 novembre 2017 de 12h30 à 14h30 (Salle Dabin) : « Unicorns, Guardians, and the Concentration of the U.S. Equity Markets » - Lunch-talk séminaire.
Invité par les Professeurs A.-L. Sibony et P. d'Argent.