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Vassilis Hatzopoulos

drt | Louvain-la-Neuve

Université d'Athènes

Domaines d'expertise : EU institutional law and governance ; EU internal market with special focus on service liberalisation and the provision of services of general economic interest ; State aid and public procurement ; EU asylum and immigration

Vassilis Hatzopoulos is full Professor of EU Law and Policies at the Panteion University, Athens and the Provost of Undergraduate Studies at the European Law and Governance School, Athens. Previously he was Professor at the Democritus University of Thrace, where he also served as Chair of his Department, then Dean of the School of Social, Political and Economic Sciences. He is visiting Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges (Belgium) and honourary Asst. Professor at the University of Nottingham (UK).

His research interests cover EU institutional law and governance, the EU internal market with special focus on service liberalisation and the provision of services of general economic interest, state aid and public procurement, as well as EU asylum and immigration law. He has published three monographs, on the principle of mutual recognition in the internal market (in French, Bruylant/Sakkoulas, 1999), on the doctrine of essential facilities under EU competition law (in Greek, Sakkoulas, 2002) and on the regulation of services in the EU (in English, OUP, 2012). He has also published over a hundred articles and case notes, in English, French and Greek, in all the major EU-related reviews and periodicals and in edited volumes. His new monograph on “The Collaborative Economy and EU Law” (in English, Hart, 2018) is forthcoming (see

He has a longstanding experience as a lawyer, practicing before the highest national courts and the Court of Justice of the EU. He has consulted i.a. the Greek Government (on the OECD-led regulatory reform), the EU Commission (on the Services Directive) and the European Parliament (on EU patients’ rights). Lately his research interests turn around the sharing economy and the EU preferential trade agreements (TTIP, CETA etc).


  • Mercredi 28 mars 2018 de 14h00 à 16h00 (MORE 56) : Uber, Air BnB Othet collaborative services in the internal market - Internal Market Law [LDREU 2206]
  • Jeudi 29 mars 2018 de 10h45 à 12h45 (LECL 61) : Data governance and the platforms of the sharing economy - Droits intellectuels et nouvelles technologies [LDROP 2102]
  • Vendredi 30 mars 2018 de 08h30 à 10h30 (AGOR 10) : L'influence des principes généraux de droit européen sur le droit administratif - Droit administratif [LDROI 1305]


  • Lundi 26 mars 2018 de 12h15 à 14h00 (European Commission - DG Connect) : The Collaborative Economy and EU Law - Conférence
  • Mardi 27 mars 2018 de 12h00 à 14h00 (ULB Solboch) : Le droit des plateformes numériques - Conférence - Plus d'informations


Invité par les Professeurs A.-L. Sibony, A. Strowel, D. Renders.