Exams and Transcripts
espo | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons, Charleroi
Mid-semester, students will receive an email from their ESPO School inviting you to register for your exams at the end of the semester.
- you can only do so on the specific dates indicated in that email. You can also find some of those dates in the following calendars:
COMU | COMU Administrative Calendar |
PSAD (Political and Social Science) | PSAD Administrative Calendar |
ESL (Economics) | ESL Administrative Calendar |
EURO | EURO Administrative Calendar |
- you will need to do so via your virtual office.
Students can sit for exams of courses they have not yet obtained a satisfactory result (<10/20) for or of courses they have not yet taken an exam for.
At UClouvain, if you have failed an exam in January or June or couldn't sit it for medical reasons, you can register to sit it (again) in August.
At the end of your stay and once the results have been officially published, a transcript of records (ToR) will be sent to your UCLouvain email address. This document is for your home university for academic recognition of the courses you would have taken at UCLouvain during your exchange.