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Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna, AT)ERC Project “Hun@aynNet. Transmission of Classical Scientific and Philosophical Literature from Greek into Syriac and Arabic” (Principal Investigator: Grigory Kessel; Collaborators: Yury Arzhanov, Slavomír Čéplö): lexical and part-of-speech tagging of scientific and philosophical Syriac texts translated from Greek. (Paris, FR)Enriched Dictionaries of Classical and Modern Armenian. Developing rare languages digitization through text-recognition, lemmatization tools and lemmatized data (Director: Chahan Vidal-Gorène).

École Normale Supérieure (Lyon, FR)Projet émergent « CRILEX. Crise et altérité dans la Méditerranée tardo-antique : une approche lexicale » : (Principal Investigators : Claire Fauchon Claudon - HiSoMA UMR 5189 ; Smaranda Marculescu - IHRIM UMR 5317 ; Associate Investigator : Marie-Adeline Le Guennec - Université du Québec à Montréal) : lemmatization and part-of-speech tagging of the Greek text of the Life of Apollonios by Philostratos of Athens.

Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (IT)ERC Project “Florilegia Syriaca. The Intercultural Dissemination of Greek Christian Thought in Syriac and Arabic in the First Millennium CE” (Director: Emiliano Fiori; Collaborator: Claudia Simonelli): lexical and part-of-speech tagging of Syriac texts from patristic anthologies.

University of Lausanne (CH)“The digital future of a founding text : the Iliad and the Genavensis Græcus 44” (Director: David Bouvier; Collaborator: Ariane Jambé): lemmatization and bilingual alignment of the Homeric text of the Iliad I-III from the ms. Genavensis Graecus 44 (XIIIe s.) and its Byzantine paraphrase.

University of Manchester (GB)The Syriac Galen Palimpsest: Galen's On Simple Drugs and the Recovery of Lost Texts through Sophisticated Imaging Techniques (Principal Investigator: Peter E. Pormann; Collaborator: Naima Afif): lexical analysis of the Greek text and Arabic and Syriac versions of the treatise On Simple Drugs by Galen of Pergamon.
