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Projets de recherche

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  • 2022
    Together with the University of Saint-Louis (USL-B) and the University of Luxembourg (UL), the CRIDES participates in the “REgulatory and other solutions to MitigatE online DISinformation” (REMEDIS) project.  This interdisciplinary project aims to provide innovative regulatory frameworks and legally compliant socio-technical solutions to monitor online disinformation and its effect.  Researchers in digital law, social science, information and communication, history and computer science will investigate the issue of disinformation by working on specific use cases such as the Covid-19 infodemic and offer regulatory and technical remedies for disinformation. 

    The REMEDIS project will focus on regulatory solution in order to offer new legal and non-legal instruments to better balance the social responsibility of online platforms with the freedom of expressions of user and on technical solutions  to design legally-attentive procedures and protocols to question the origin and integrity of a diversity of news and to build measures and models of its process of disclosure, information flow and reception. Furthermore, REMEDIS aims to support self-awareness and a critical approach to disinformation  in the context of content-moderation activities and media education. 

  • 2021 
    Projet DRAILS 
    A l’initiative conjointe du CRIDES et du CPDR de l’UCLouvain et des chercheurs de l’USL-Bruxelles, est né le "Research Group on Data, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Law and Society" (DRAILS). Ce groupe a pour objectif de réunir des chercheurs et experts en sciences sociales et humaines afin de constituer à terme un pôle de recherche consacré à l’étude interdisciplinaire de la transformation numérique de la société et de l’économie, et aux régulations en matière de données, robotique et intelligence artificielle par le droit, l’éthique et d’autres normes. > Lire plus
  • 2019 - 2023 
    ARC project (Action de Recherche Concertée) on digital plateforms regulation 
    The project is entitled Platforms Operations and Regulation in the Sharing Economy (PROSEco). In recent years, many innovative sharing economy platforms (SEPs) had a strong impact on their stakeholders: service providers and consumers alike. The sharing economy is not only a land of promises but also of great perils. Even fast-growing and global for-profit platforms like Uber are still struggling to make a profit, while the failure rate of startups is higher than in other sectors. Also, many non-profit SEPs fail to stay active. For both types of platforms, the road to success is paved with a number of operational, economic, and legal challenges, which directly stem from their innovative business model. 
    These multifaceted challenges call for an interdisciplinary approach to answer our overarching research question: How can platforms in the sharing economy deliver long-lasting value for their stakeholders and for society as a whole? Our objective with this research project is to conduct a fine-grained analysis of the implications of the sharing economy, combining researchers from operations research, economics, and law. A more detailed description of the research project can be found here. 
  • 2019 - 2022  
    Projet SHINE | CRIDES has been awarded with a grant by the European Commission (Erasmus+Jean Monnet Actions) to conduct a research in the field of the sharing economy (SHINE. SHaring Economy and INequalities across Europe). 
    The joint initiative (Universitat de València - UV (action leader), Universitat de Barcelona, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna & Universitá Di Palermo - Facoltá Di Giurisprudenza) is going to focus on the social and economic consequences of the different models of market regulation and digital intermediation in the so-called "sharing economy", as well as on the policy responses to cope with the emerging forms of inequalities that these models are exacerbating. The activities of the SHINE Network, which will run from 2019 to 2022, will include not only academic research, but also training courses and collaboration with institutions and other economic agents, such as public administrations and technological poles in various European countries. The research team of the CRIDES specifically focus on the WP “digital discrimination in the sharing economy: pitfalls and legal design strategies for online platforms”. CRIDES researches involved in the project are Rossana Ducato, Enguerrand Marique and Alain Strowel.
  • 2019 - 2021
    Recherche post doctorale sur le thème des pensions dans le cadre des carrières à temps partiel menée par Maria Cristina Degoli dans le cadre d'un FSR
  • 2018 - 2023
    Action de recherche concertée (ARC) : Safe And Sustainable Pensions (SAS Pensions).
    Projet de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la réforme des pensions en Europe.
  • 2018 - 2019
    Financement Jean Monnet de la Commission européenne pour un module de recherche et d’enseignement sur «European IT Law by Design» (intégré à l’option «Droits intellectuels et du numérique» en M1 à l’UCLouvain), sous la coordination scientifique de Rossana Ducato et Alain Strowel.
  • 2018 - 2019
    Projet IT for Change : recherche collective sur la régulation des plateformes numériques en France, Belgique et Italie (Policy frameworks for digital platform – Moving from openess to inclusion) menée par Rossana DucatoAnne-Grace KleczewskiEnguerrand Marique et Céline Wattecamps.