2020 International Solvay Chair in Chemistry by Professor Joanna Aizenberg (Harvard U. , USA)
imcn | Louvain-la-Neuve
The series of lectures of the 2020 International Solvay Chair in Chemistry by Professor Joanna Aizenberg (Harvard U. , USA)
will be held online via Zoom on
1) THURSDAY 22 APRIL 2021 AT 3:00 PM (CET): Bio-Inspired Approaches to Crystal Design
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/96056738754?pwd=UkE3b2Q4cmIyc3lsOS8xWTZrWUZPQT09
2) THURSDAY 29 APRIL 2021 AT 3:00 PM (CET): Colloidal Crystallization: from Structural Color to Encryption, to Medical Diagnostics to Catalysis
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/99453173543?pwd=Sjc5ZDg3US9BTFZoL3hzZ3NCK1FFdz09
3) THURSDAY 6 MAY 2021 AT 3:00 PM (CET): Hydrophobicity, Ice-phobicity and Oleophobicity: from Lotus to Pitcher Plant
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/97430814313?pwd=dFVaZzBrek9hM0JHb0UzMTlVYUtIdz09
4) THURSDAY 20 MAY 2021 AT 3:00 PM (CET): Actuated ‘Hairy’ Surfaces: En Route for Adaptive, Homeostatic Materials
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/94005080719?pwd=b2JqKzFiN2l4MFE4Z3J5UWxlMTI2Zz09
Please find the abstracts of the talks in attachement.
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The organisation of the Solvay activities is possible thanks to the generous support of the Solvay Family, the Solvay Group, ULB, VUB, the Belgian National Lottery, the Brussels-Capital Region, the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, the Vlaamse Regering and the City of Brussels.