Master in Economics - Research Focus - ECON2MA (Finalité approfondie)
esl | Louvain-la-Neuve
2-year program - ECON2MA - 120 credits (Fully taught in English)
PROGRAM STRUCTURE - Link to ECON2M programme
- Core course - 15 credits
- Research Focus - 30 credits
- 2 Options of Specialization - 30 credits
- 1 elective - 5 credits
- 4 advanced elective courses - 20 credits
- 1 thesis - 20 credits
Note: OVER JURY DECISION, an access to master 120 with credit exemption possibility (60 credits) is possible for the holder of an undergraduate university degree of 4 years (or 240 credits) in Economics : Fast Track (60 credits), see last paragraph hereunder.