isba |
Seminars 2021 -2022
September |
17/09/2021 : YRD (Young Researchers Day)
Doctoral students and Postdocs of ISBA give talks on the topics of their current research
Auditorium AGORA (AGOR 14) | 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
«Years of life lost applied to insurance contracts with finite horizon for cancer patients»
Advancements in medicine and biostatistics have already resulted in a better access to insurance products for people diagnosed with cancer, in particular via the right to be forgotten which gives the right for an insurance applicant not to declare a previous cancer after a period of 10 years starting at the end of the therapeutic protocol. There is, however, still room for improvement in facilitating access to financial services for people with certain types of cancer. Over the last decade, the number of years of life lost (YLL) became a popular tool in biostatistics and epidemiology to measure differences in life expectancy or mortality, primarily thanks to its ease of interpretation and because information on the cause of death is not required. On the other hand, multistate models are a powerful statistical approach to study the evolution of individuals between different “states”, providing a convenient representation for life insurance contracts where benefits are associated to transition between states (Dickson et al., 2013; Pitacco, 2014). Based on 140,241 melanoma, thyroid and female breast cancer cases recorded by the Belgian Cancer Registry, we illustrate how cancer registry data can be used to fit a 3-state (healthy–cancer–death) multistate model to estimate YLL. We also show how the obtained results can be used to re-think the access of cancer patients to different insurance products, with a focus on financial contracts with a finite horizon such as loans and life annuities, by determining the financial burden to insurers derived from the loss of some years of life.
17/09/2021 : YRD (Young Researchers Day)
«How am I doing as a researcher?» by Pierre Philippot, IPSY, UCLouvain
Auditorium AGORA (AGOR 14) | 2:00 m – 3:00 pm
The Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences (ISBA) Young Researchers Day will be held on Friday 17th of September 2021. During this event, there will be a session just among researchers to reflect on our mental health, i.e. the impact of the pandemic crisis on how we feel in our daily life as a researcher (and beyond?) from 2 to 3 pm. This session is open to all LIDAM researchers.
- Raise awareness about mental health
- Allow every researcher to know how he or she is doing
- Give tips on how to improve on mental health
- Indicate where and how to seek for help
Introduction: Fact (fun) about researcher mental health – clarification on the topic – scope
Individual reflection time: How am I doing? (Questionnaire)
Conclusion: What to do next?
- In case you are doing well. Keep it up and help others get there
- If not, this is what you can start and/or stop doing
- Useful tips
- Where to get help?
24/09/2021 : Statistics seminars
Andreas Artemiou, Cardiff University "SVM-based real time sufficient dimension reduction"
Auditorium ISBA C115 | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Online session
October |
15/10/2021 : Statistics seminars
Michaël Lalancette, University of Toronto : "The extremal graphical lasso"
Auditorium ISBA C115 | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Multivariate extreme value theory is interested in the dependence structure of multivariate data in the unobserved far tail regions. Multiple characterizations and models exist for such extremal dependence structure. However, statistical inference for those extremal dependence models uses merely a fraction of the available data, which drastically reduces the effective sample size, creating challenges even in moderate dimension. Engelke & Hitz (2020, JRSSB) introduced graphical modelling for multivariate extremes, allowing for enforced sparsity in moderate- to high-dimensional settings. Yet, the model selection and estimation tools that appear therein are limited to simple graph structures.
In this work, we propose a novel, scalable method for selection and estimation of extremal graphical models that makes no assumption on the underlying graph structure. It is based on existing tools for Gaussian graphical model selection such as the graphical lasso and the neighborhood selection approach of Meinshausen & Bühlmann (2006, Ann. Stat.). Model selection consistency is established in sparse regimes where the dimension is allowed to be exponentially larger than the effective sample size. Simulation studies are shown to support the theoretical results.
November |
05/11/2021 : Statistics seminars
Jad Beyhum, KU Leuven : "Nonparametric Instrumental Regression With Right Censored Duration Outcomes"
Auditorium ISBA C115 | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
26/11/2021 : Statistics seminars
Xin Bing, Cornell University : "Likelihood estimation of sparse topic distributions in topic models and its applications to Wasserstein document distance calculations"
Auditorium ISBA C115 | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Online session
This paper studies the estimation of high-dimensional, discrete, possibly sparse, mixture models in the context topic models. The data consists of observed multinomial counts of p words across n independent documents. In topic models, the p x n expected word frequency matrix is assumed to be factorized as a p x K word-topic matrix A and a K x n topic-document matrix T. Since columns of both matrices represent conditional probabilities belonging to probability simplices, columns of A are viewed as p-dimensional mixture components that are common to all documents while columns of T are viewed as the K-dimensional mixture weights that are document specific and are allowed to be sparse.
The main interest is to provide sharp, finite sample, l1-norm convergence rates for estimators of the mixture weights T when A is either known or unknown. For known A, we suggest MLE estimation of T. Our non-standard analysis of the MLE not only establishes its l1 convergence rate, but also reveals a remarkable property: the MLE, with no extra regularization, can be exactly sparse and contain the true zero pattern of T. We further show that the MLE is both minimax optimal and adaptive to the unknown sparsity in a large class of sparse topic distributions. When A is unknown, we estimate T by optimizing the likelihood function corresponding to a plug in, generic, estimator  of A. For any estimator  that satisfiies carefully detailed conditions for proximity to A, we show that the resulting estimator of T retains the properties established for the MLE. Our theoretical results allow the ambient dimensions K and p to grow with the sample sizes.
Our main application is to the estimation of 1-Wasserstein distances between document generating distributions. We propose, estimate and analyze new 1-Wasserstein distances between alternative probabilistic document representations, at the word and topic level, respectively. We derive finite sample bounds on the estimated proposed 1-Wasserstein distances. For word level document-distances, we provide contrast with existing rates on the 1-Wasserstein distance between standard empirical frequency estimates. The effectiveness of the proposed 1-Wasserstein distances is illustrated by an analysis of an IMDB movie reviews data set. Finally, our theoretical results are supported by extensive simulation studies.
December |
10/12/2021 : Statistics seminars
Sophie Langer, University of Twente : "Deep learning from a statistical learning perspective"
Online session | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |