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Past Events

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The most recent events can be found in the left-hand menu, while older events are listed below.

CYCLE DE SÉMINAIRES | Pensions'mornings (2019-2020)
organisé par le CRIDES
Sous la direction académique des professeurs Alexia Autenne et Pierre Devolder, UCLouvain
Pierre  DEVOLDER, (UCLouvain),
Philippe DEMOL (AXA),
Vincent Simonart (Ethias),
et autres invités


The workshop consists of four speakers that will handle a wide range of topics in DOE that are relevant for a broad audience from academia and industry.  The keynote will be given by Prof. Peter Goos, author of the book "Optimal design of experiments: a case study approach".  After this keynote lecture, three dedicated talks will guide the participants through several case studies that are presented by experienced researchers from industry. 
All information :  Follow the Link to Webpage KULeuven
Organised by bENBIS (Belgian branch of ENBIS, the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics)

December 17-18, 2015

Hotel Ibis Styles Meeting Center Louvain-la-Neuve 
Boulevard de Lauzelle, 61
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve / Belgium 

Pictures of the event



Keynote speakers:

  • Per Kragh Andersen
    Department of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen.
  • Gerda Claeskens
    Operations Research and Business Statistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
  • Emmanuel Lesaffre
    Leuven Biostatistics and Statistical Bioinformatics Centre, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
  • Yi Li
    Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan.
  • Thomas Scheike
    Department of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen.
  • Hans C. van Houwelingen
    Department of Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics, Leiden University Medical Center.
  • Lan Wang
    School of Statistics, University of Minnesota.

Invited speakers:

  • Mailis Amico
    Institut de statistique, biostatistique et sciences actuarielles, Université catholique de Louvain.
  • Liesbeth de Wreede
    Leiden University Medical Center.
  • Candida Geerdens
    Centre for Statistics, Universiteit Hasselt.
  • Olivier Lopez
    Laboratoire de statistique théorique et appliquée, Université Pierre et Marie Curie.
  • Valentin Patilea
    ENSAI, Campus de Ker-Lann.
  • Francois Portier
    Institut de statistique, biostatistique et sciences actuarielles, Université catholique de Louvain.
  • Sylvie Scolas
    Institut de statistique, biostatistique et sciences actuarielles, Université catholique de Louvain.


Thursday 17/12

08:30 - 09:30 : Welcome coffee
09:30 - 09:40 : Introduction
09:40 - 10:30 : Y. Li, "Modeling Complex Large-scale Time-to-event Data: An Efficient Quasi-Newton Approach"
10:30 - 11:00 : M. Amico, "Estimation of a mixture cure model with a single-index structure"
11:00 - 11:30 : coffee break
11:30 - 12:20 : H.C. van Houwelingen, "Reduced-rank modeling as an approach to reduce complexity in event history analysis"
12:20 - 12:50 : poster storm

12:50 - 14:10 : lunch

14:10 - 14:40 : V. Patilea, "Modified Cox regression with right censored and current status data"
14:40 - 15:30 : L. Wang, "A Unified Approach of Quantile Regression Analysis of Survival Data under Biased Sampling"
15:30 - 16:00 : coffee break
16:00 - 16:30 : S. Scolas, "Diagnostic checks in the presence of interval-censoring and cure"
16:30 - 17:20 : T. Scheike, "Modelling the dependence in time to event data"

17:20 - 18:30 : Drink
18:30 : Diner

Friday 18/12

08:30 - 09:30 : Welcome coffee
09:30 - 10:00 : C. Geerdens, "Nonparametric copula estimation for clustered right-censored event time data"
10:00 - 10:50 : E. Lesaffre, "A stochastic EM algorithm for Doubly Interval Censored Data"
10:50 - 11:20 : coffee break
11:20 - 12:10 : G. Claeskens, "Variable selection methods for survival data"
12:10 - 12:40 : O. Lopez, "Censored regression trees with applications to nonlife insurance"

12:40 - 14:00 : lunch

14:00 - 14:30 : F. Portier, "On proportional hazards cure models"
14:30 - 15:00 : L. de Wreede, "Prediction in multi-state models when data are missing"
15:00 - 15:50 : P.K. Andersen, "Measures of lost years of life"

15:50 : Closing coffee


Scientific/Organizing committee

  • Anouar El Ghouch (UCL)
  • Cédric Heuchenne (ULg/UCL)
  • Philippe Lambert (ULg/UCL)
  • Catherine Legrand (UCL)
  • Ingrid Van Keilegom (UCL) 


We thank you in advance for participating in our conference and kindly ask to register ONLINE
Registration deadline: November 15, 2015.

Poster session

You can submit an abstract to participate to the poster session.
All abstracts must be submitted by e-mail to in PDF format by October 31, 2015.
Authors will be notified by e-mail no later than 5th November, 2015.
The poster needs to be in A0 format, in vertical orientation


The conference venue and the hotel are at the same location :

Hotel Ibis Styles Meeting Center Louvain-la-Neuve
Boulevard de Lauzelle, 61
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve / Belgium

How to get to Louvain-la-Neuve ?
Map of Louvain-la-Neuve here

Organized by

This conference is organized in the framework of the ARC research project “Semiparametric inference for survival and cure models” of UCLouvain.


For any questions:



Seminar - Fraud in Clinical Trials

UCL, Auditoire SOCR-242, Place du Cardinal Mercier 10, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

Monday, April 20, 2015
Seminar 11:00 am - 12:45 pm  |  Walking lunch 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Seminar organized jointly by

Prof. Catherine Legrand 
UCL  |  Institut de Statistique, Biostatistique et Sciences Actuarielles 

and Marc Buyse
IDDI  | 30 avenue provinciale | 1340 Louvain-la-Neuve
CluePoints S.A. | Axis Parc  |  Rue Emile Francqui 1 - 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert 

Registration is free but mandatory. Please click on this link to access the registration form


Fraud in Clinical Trials: "Definitions, incidence, examples, causes"

Stephen L George, Ph.D.  |  Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics
Duke University School of Medicine |  Durham, North Carolina, USA


Highly publicized cases of fabrication or falsification of data in clinical trials have occurred in recent years and it is likely that there are additional undetected or unreported cases. I will review the available evidence on the incidence of data fraud in clinical trials; describe several prominent cases; and present information on motivation and contributing factors. There is no reliable evidence that data fraud, the deliberate fabrication or falsification of data, is a common occurrence in clinical trials. Moreover, in multicenter clinical trials, fraud perpetrated by a single investigator or at a single site is very unlikely to affect the scientific conclusions of the trial. However, whatever the true incidence of data fraud in clinical trials, high-profile cases provide sobering evidence that it does occur regularly. When fraud is detected after the results have been announced, the negative impact on the perception of the results of the trial in question as well as on the public perception of the clinical trial enterprise itself can be profound.


Stephen L George, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics in the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at Duke University School of Medicine. He served for over 20 years as Director of Biostatistics in the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center and Director of the Statistical Center of the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB). He has been closely involved in the design, conduct, and analysis of cancer clinical trials and other research projects in cancer throughout his career. Dr. George is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and of the Society for Clinical Trials; served as Treasurer and a member of the Executive Committee of the International Biometric Society for eight years; is a past President for the Society for Clinical Trials; and served for four years as the biostatistician for the Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee for the Food and Drug Administration.


Fraud in Clinical Trials: "The Krebiozen story"

Edmund Gehan, Ph.D. |  Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics
Georgetown University  |  Washington DC, USA


Krebiozen was initially promoted by Stevan Durovic, a Yugoslavian physician who claimed that the substance came from horse serum inoculated with Actinomyces bovis and had been useful in the treatment of cancer. His claims were backed by Andrew Ivy and by several politicians including Senator Paul Douglas. Ivy tested Krebiozen on patients and called a press conference in 1951 at which he announced that of 22 treated patients, 14 were alive and none had died of cancer. Intrigued by Ivy's announcement, 10 hospitals and cancer research centers followed up on the trial and attempted to reproduce the results. All of these independent researchers observed no effect of Krebiozen on cancer. A compilation of these institutions' negative data was published in JAMA in 1951. In 1964, Durovic and Ivy were indicted for introducing mislabeled drugs into interstate commerce. They were acquitted after a 9-month trial. Krebiozen consists only of the amino acid creatine dissolved in mineral oil. Available scientific evidence does not support claims that Krebiozen is effective in treating cancer, but the FDA has warned that creatine may have dangerous side effects.


Edmund Gehan, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics in the Departments of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics, and the Department of Oncology at Georgetown University. He has contributed to the coordination, conduct, and leadership of trials, methodologic development and education, in a career spanning more than 50 years. He is one of the founders of the profession of clinical trials biostatistician. He developed a cooperative group model in which trials are conducted by statistical centers with independent status. Some of his ground-breaking papers include a two-stage design for phase II clinical trials in cancer, and the first non-parametric statistical test for the comparison of two survival distributions, using an extension of the Wilcoxon test. He has been instrumental in advancing the role of the biostatistician in clinical research. He has served on the Editorial Board of Statistics in Medicine and as a Statistical Editor of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

We Found Fraud. Now What?

Jay Herson, Ph.D.  |  Senior Associate, Biostatistics
Johns Hopkins University  |  Baltimore, Maryland, USA


Exciting new statistical software has been developed for central monitoring of clinical trials. It is expected that more cases of fraud in confirmatory trials will be uncovered by this method. This paper describes what offensive and defensive actions a sponsor might take in the face of fraud with the objective of salvaging a trial or protecting against the effects of fraud. The case is made for action rather than reaction to fraud. A Fraud Recovery Plan (FRP) is recommended and should to be approved by regulatory agencies before the start of a trial. This plan would prespecify actions to be taken when fraud is found. The types of fraud discussed in this paper are: falsification of eligibility criteria, underreporting of adverse events, fictional patients, fabrication of patient diaries, propagation of vital signs / laboratory data. The paper concludes with general issues such as the role of intent-to-treat, should we eliminate all or just some patients, effect on planned interim analyses, estimation of effect size and randomization implications. The paper concludes with suggestions of how an FRP be administered and several defensive strategies.


Jay Herson received his Ph.D. in Biostatistics from Johns Hopkins in 1971. After working on cancer clinical trials at MD Anderson Hospital he formed Applied Logic Associates (ALA) in Houston in 1983. ALA grew to be a biostatistical-data management CRO with 50 employees when it was sold to Westat in 2001. Jay joined the Adjunct Faculty in Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins in 2004. His interests are interim analysis in clinical trials, data monitoring committees, and statistical / regulatory issues. He chaired the first known data monitoring committee in the pharmaceutical industry in 1988. He is the author of numerous papers on statistical and clinical trial methodology and, in 2009, authored the book Data and Safety Monitoring Committees in Clinical Trials, published by Chapman Hall / CRC.



Pictures of the event

About the 2014 conference : BSS and PhD Day

BSS 2014 is the 22nd annual meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society. The conference is intended to be a meeting place for researchers, practitioners, users and potential users of Statistics and related fields.
This year the meeting is organised by UCL and takes place in the Hotel Ibis Styles Meeting Center in Louvain-la-Neuve.

As usual, the Quetelet Society, B-Enbis and the Biostatistics Section of the BSS participate in the organisation. 

The Belgian Statistical Society (BSS) was founded in 1937. The scope of the Society is to contribute to scientific progress in statistics by promoting cooperation between Belgian statisticians and to help the general public to get a better understanding of the place of statistics in the modern world. The Society currently has over 300 ordinary members and 8 honorary members.

The B-Stat News, the BSS Newsletter, is published three times per year in January, May and September. Scientific events are organised each year, amongst which the BSS annual meeting.

As usual, the first day of the conference is dedicated to young statisticans. This year, it is integrated with the PhD Day, jointly organized by the Ecole doctorale thematique en Statistique et Sciences Actuarielles et FLAMES. The purpose of the PhD Day is to bring together the PhD students in statistics, biostatistics and actuarial sciences of the French speaking universities in Belgium and, this year, of the Flemish-speaking universities as well.    
Looking forward to seeing you at the BSS 2014 and the PhD Day!


BSS 2014

Organising committee

  • Céline Bugli, UCL
  • Nancy Guillaume, UCL
  • Cédric Heuchenne, ULg
  • Christian Ritter, UCL
  • Stefan Van Aelst, KUL
  • Rainer von Sachs, UCL

Scientific committee

  • An Creemers, U Hasselt
  • Cédric Heuchenne, ULg
  • Luc Lebrun, SPF Economie
  • Catherine Legrand, UCL
  • Tom Loeys, U Ghent  
  • Johan Segers, UCL

PhD Day

  • Goele Bossaert, KUL
  • An Creemers, U Hasselt
  • Cédric Heuchenne, ULg
  • Géraldine Laurent, ULg
  • Johan Segers, UCL
  • Bart Van Rompaey, Umeå University / U Ghent




Standard 2 Day
Thursday-Friday Package including 1 night hotel and conference dinner

  Regular Regular Student Student
  BSS Non BSS Non
2 day + 1 night single room 220€ 260€ 180€ 220€
2 day + 1 night double room  180€ 220€ 140€ 180€
2 day no hotel 220€    130€ 170€ 90€ 130€
Supplement Friday Workshop 60€ 80€ 30€ 50€


Standard 3 Day

PhD Day+Thursday-Friday Package including 2 night hotel, wednesday + conference dinners

  Regular Regular Student Student
  BSS Non BSS Non
3 day + 2 night single room 340€ 380€ 290€ 330€
3 day + 2 night double room 260€ 300€ 210€ 250€
3 day no hotel 160€ 200€ 110€ 150€
Supplement Friday Workshop 60€ 80€ 30€ 50€

PhD Day only

Wednesday including drink

  Regular Regular Student Student
  BSS Non BSS Non
Participant (student, adviser) 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€
Supplement Wed dinner 30€ 30€ 30€ 30€


Thursday only

Including conference dinner

  Regular Regular Student Student
  BSS Non BSS Non
Participant (student, adviser) 100€ 120€ 80€ 100€

Friday only

Including workshop

  Regular Regular Student Student
  BSS Non BSS Non
Participant (student, adviser) 100€ 120€ 80€ 100€

After October 05, the penalty for late registration will be of 40€ for 2 or 3 days, and of 20€ for one day.


Important dates

  • 15 May 2014: Start of reduced fee registration 
  • 10 September 2014 : Closing of abstract submission  
  • 15 September 2014: Notification of abstract acceptation
  • 05 October 2014: Closing of reduced fee registration
  • 15 October 2014: Closing of registration
  • 05-07 November 2014: PhD Day and BSS2014 conference in Louvain-la-Neuve


Hotel Ibis Styles Meeting Center Louvain la Neuve

Boulevard de Lauzelle, 61
1348 Louvain – la - Neuve – Belgium

More info about Hotel Ibis Styles Meeting Center Louvain la Neuve
How to get to the conference venue and to the hotel (same location)?


The conference venue and the hotel are at the same location :

Hotel Ibis Styles Meeting Center Louvain-la-Neuve
Boulevard de Lauzelle, 61
1348 Louvain – la - Neuve – Belgium 

If you need a hotel room, you can book it via the options in the registration form. There are single and double rooms. If you wish to share a double room, please don't forget to indicate it on the registration form. 

You can then check-in at the hotel directly upon arrival in Louvain-la-Neuve.


BSS 2014

Prof. Christian Ritter
Voie du Roman Pays, 20
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

PhD Day

Prof. Cédric Heuchenne 












International year of statistics (2013)

"Statistics, your friend in daily life; whether you like it or not"
October 25, 2013

Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences (ISBA),
UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium   



Auditoire BARB 94

Place Sainte Barbe, 1
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve





10h00-10h30: Welcome coffee

Chair: Céline Bugli (UCL, SMCS)
10h30-11h30: Prof. Jean-Paul Van Bendegem, VUB
                     "How democratic is a pie-chart? The origins of visual statistics and its relevance today"
11h45-12h45: Walthère Dewé, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals
                     "A Biostatistician in the Pharma Industry: A True Story - From the Assay Tube to the Human"

12h45-14h00: Lunch

Chair: Prof. Anouar El Ghouch (UCL, ISBA)
14h00-15h00: Prof. Johan Segers, UCL, ISBA
                     "Modelling Storms, Crashes, and Records: A Tale of Tails"
15h15-16h15: Prof. Paul Embrechts, ETH Zurich
                     "The Mathematics of Quantitative Risk Management: from Theory to Practice and Back"
16h15-16h30: Concluding remarks

16h30-17h30: Networking drink


Scientific/Organising committee

Céline Bugli (UCL)
Anouar El Ghouch (UCL) - Main organizer
Paul Janssen (U Hasselt)
Geert Molenberghs (U Hasselt and KULeuven)
Ingrid Van Keilegom (UCL)


We thank you in advance for participating in our conference and kindly ask to register ONLINE
Registration is free but mandatory. Registration deadline: September 23, 2013.


The workshop will take place in:

Auditoire BARB 94

Place Sainte Barbe, 1
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve.

Please find a map of Louvain-la-Neuve here
The lecture room BARB94 is located in the "building 6" on the map (coordinates E8, use "zoom-in").

UCL Parking: "Sainte-Barbe"
Free Parking: "Rédimé" and "Baudouin 1er"


How to get to Louvain-la-Neuve ?

If you want to stay in Louvain-la-Neuve overnight:

  1. Hotel ibis Styles. Booking has to be done as soon as possible!
    Boulevard de Lauzelle 61
    1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
    Tel: (+32)10/450751

  2. Hotel Leonardo (more difficult public transportation to LLN)
    Rue de la Wastinne 45
    B-1301 Wavre
    Tel: (+32)10/411363

  3. At Home Hotel (more difficult public transportation to LLN)
    Place Bosch 33
    B-1300 Wavre
    Tel: (+32)10/228383

  4. Hotels in Brussels (30km/45' by train)


Mrs Tatiana Regout
Voie du Roman Pays 20
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Email : Tatiana Regout
Phone : (+32)10/47.94.07
Fax : (+32)10/47.30.32



  logologo  EDS 

PAI   sbs    logo     SAS 


June 4 2013

IMMAQ is organizing a workshop aimed at researchers of its three research entities (ISBA, CORE and IRES). The objective of this multidisciplinary workshop is to gather researchers on the topic of endogeneity issues that arise frequently in empirical work. Indeed, Endogeneity problems in statistical estimations are faced by researchers from all IMMAQ research centers.
Endogeneity may come from different sources: omitted variables, reverse causality, measurement error, sample selection, etc. The goal of the workshop is to understand how this problem is tackled from different perspectives in economics and statistics, and it aims at giving the opportunity to share knowledge and thoughts about how to deal with endogeneity problems.

The organizers

Vincent Bodart (IMMAQ/IRES)
François Maniquet (IMMAQ/CORE)
William Parienté (IMMAQ/IRES)
Ingrid Van Keilegom (IMMAQ/ISBA)


13:30 : Marion Leturcq (CORE) : "Will you civil union me? Taxation and civil unions in France"
14:00 : Jan Johannes (ISBA) : "Nonparametric instrumental regression"
14:30 : William Parienté (IRES) : "Impact of microcredit in rural Morocco: Evidence from a randomized experiment "
15:00 : Coffee break
15:30 : Morgane Laouenan (IRES) : "Hate at first sight : racial discrimination and labor market outcomes in the US "
16:00 : Mery Ferrando (CORE) : "Cash Transfers and School Outcomes : the case of Uruguay "
16:30 : Ingrid Van Keilegom (ISBA) : "Tests of exogeneity in nonparametric nonseparable models "
17:00 : Drink

The workshop will take place in room C115 at ISBA.


The Ecole doctorale thématique en Statistique et en Sciences Actuarielles is pleased to invite you to its 6th PhD Day on Friday, September 14, 2012, at the Université catholique de Louvain. The purpose of the PhD Day is to bring together the PhD students in statistics, biostatistics and actuarial sciences of the french speaking universities in Belgium.

The program consists of two parts. Following a traditional scientific session in the morning, the afternoon session will focus on professional themes, with attention to questions coming up in the daily life of PhD students.

The morning session will proceed along a classical academic format, with invited and contributed talks by the (former) PhD students themselves. The invited talks will be aimed at a broad audience, providing accessible and inspiring introductions to selected themes in mathematical statistics, biostatistics, and actuarial sciences.

New this year is that the afternoon session will focus on professional themes, aiming to answer questions that come up in the daily life of PhD students in statistics:
- How to prepare my paper for submission to maximize its chances for acceptance? How to read those pesky referee reports?
- How to prepare myself for an academic career? Where to look for open positions and for funding? Should I go abroad or not?
- What are my career possibilities in industry when I have a PhD in statistics? What is the added value of a PhD degree?
- I'd like to go my own way. How to establish myself as a free lance? How to create a spin-off?

Looking forward to seeing you at the PhD Day! 

Program & Abstract

Pictures of the events


08:30-08:50  WELCOME COFFEE

08:50-09:00  OPENING : Johan Segers
                    Chair: Cédric Heuchenne, Président de l'EDT
09:00-09:30  Christophe Ley, ULB, "Multivariate Skewed Distributions - a Return to Abnormality "  
09:30-10:00  Mathieu Pigeon, UCL, "Statistical tools for loss reserving "
10:00-10:30  Jonathan Jaeger, UCL, "When the Bayesian framework allows to deal with hierarchical nonlinear regression "

10:30-11:00  BREAK 

11:00-12:30  Parallel sessions

Session: Mathematical Statistics and Econometrics
Chair: Siegfried Hoermann
     - Carine Bartholmé, ULB, "A factorization of the exponential functional of Lévy processes "
     - Lukasz Kidzinski, ULB, "Estimation in Hilbertian linear models "
     - Géraldine Laurent, ULg, "Error distribution function for parametrically truncated and censored data. "
     - Yves Dominicy, ULB, "Inference for Vast Dimensional Elliptical Distributions "
     - Diane Pierret, UCL, "The Systemic Risk of Energy Markets "
Session: Statistics for the Life Sciences
Chair: Gentiane Haesbroeck
     - Anne-Françoise Donneau, ULg, "Multiple imputation methods for incomplete longitudinal ordinal data "
     - Baptiste Féraud, UCL, "Doing statistics with homonuclear 2D-NMR spectra : 

       handling and preliminary study of their repeatability "
     - Federico Rotolo, UCL, "Incorporation of nested frailties into multi-state models,
        with an application to event-history analysis for multicenter clinical trials"

     - Marco Munda, UCL, "Diagnostic checking in shared frailty models based
        on the association structures induced by frailties in multivariate survival data

12:30-13:45  LUNCH

13:45-14:30  Ingrid Van Keilegom, UCL, Editor-in-chief of JRSS Series B, 
                    "Dos and Don'ts in Academic Writing: Surviving the Peer Review Process "
                    Chair : Philippe Lambert

14:30-14:45  BREAK 

                    Chair: Céline Le Bailly De Tilleghem
14:45-15:15  Davy Paindaveine, ULB, "Kick-Start of an Academic Career "
15:15-15:45  François Beckers, VP, Head Biostatistics & Data Management at GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, 
                    "Getting a PhD and so what ? "
15:45-16:15  Xavier Maréchal, Managing Director, Reacfin SA, "Establish yourself as free-lance or create a spin-off: 
                    Another way to enhance your Ph.D.
16:15           CLOSING : Cédric Heuchenne

CLOSING DRINK, jointly with the Alumni of the LSBA.


Registration for the PhD Day is free but compulsory. Please register by completing the registration form
Registration deadline: September 7, 2012.

Abstract submission

The abstract submission is now closed

Organized by

Ecole doctorale thématique en Statistique et en Sciences Actuarielles, ISBA, UCL

Organizing committee:
- Johan Segers
- Catherine Legrand
- Anne Benoît
- Catherine Timmermans

Sponsored by

Practical information

Auditoire Socrate 40 (SOCR 40)
Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve.
Please find a map of Louvain-la-Neuve here

(The SOCR 40 is located in the "building 19" on the map (coordinates D5, use "zoom-in"))
The parking lot "Grand-place" (liable to fees) is right near the "building 19".

If you want to stay in Louvain-la-Neuve overnight:

  1. Hotel Mercure. Booking has to be done as soon as possible!
    Boulevard de Lauzelle 61
    1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
    Tel: (+32)10/450751

  2. Hotel Leonardo (more difficult public transportation to LLN)
    Rue de la Wastinne 45
    B-1301 Wavre
    Tel: (+32)10/411363

  3. At Home Hotel (more difficult public transportation to LLN)
    Place Bosch 33
    B-1300 Wavre
    Tel: (+32)10/228383

  4. Hotels in Brussels (30km/45' by train)


Mrs Tatiana Regout
Voie du Roman Pays 20
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Email : Tatiana Regout
Phone : (+32)10/47.94.07
Fax : (+32)10/47.30.32

Conference on "Quantitative methods in
statistics, biostatistics and actuarial sciences"

Wednesday, May 30 - Friday, June 01, 2012

Purpose of the conference

On the occasion of its twentieth anniversary the ISBA organizes a conference covering the three main fields of research represented in the institute: there will be invited speakers sessions on Actuarial sciences, Mathematical statistics and Biostatistics. A poster session will complete the program.  

We are pleased to announce that the degree of Doctor honoris causa will be conferred to Professor Raymond J. Carroll, Texas A&M University, and Professor Paul Embrechts, ETH Zürich.

Preconference short course

We invite you to a short course on "Empirical process theory for statistics" which Professor Jon A. Wellner, University of Washington, has kindly accepted to give on Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 14:00 - 17:15 and on Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 09:00-12:15. The short course will  be held in "Auditoire Socrate -242"  Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10. (Registration is free but compulsory.)


Doctor honoris causa ceremony

Professor Bruno Delvaux, Rector of the Université catholique de Louvain,
Professor Jan Govaerts, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences,
Professor Rainer von Sachs, President of IMMAQ,

will be honoured to welcome you to the ceremony for awarding the title of
Doctor honoris causa to Professor Raymond J. Carroll, Texas A&M University, and Professor Paul Embrechts, ETH Zürich.


14:00  Lecture by Professor Raymond J. Carroll 
          "What Percentage of Children in the U.S. are Eating a Healthy Diet? A Statistical Approach"
15:00  Lecture by Professor Paul Embrechts
          "Risk, Regulation and Statistics"


Academic Session:

16:30  Opening of the Doctor honoris causa ceremony
16:50  Laudatio by Ingrid Van Keilegom
17:00  Conferment of the honorary doctorate to Raymond J. Carroll
17:10  Speech by Raymond J. Carroll
17:25  Laudatio by Pierre Devolder
17:35  Conferment of the honorary doctorate to Paul Embrechts
17:45  Speech by Paul Embrechts
18:00  Reception

The ceremony will be held on  Thursday, May, 31 2012 in the «Auditoire Socrate 11», Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10. (Registration is free but compulsory.)

Conference  schedule

The following speakers have kindly accepted our invitation:

Wednesday 05/30/2012 session on "Actuarial and Financial Risks"

13:30 Welcome coffee  
13:50 Opening         
14:00 Louis Eeckhoudt (CORE and FUCAM, Louvain-la-Neuve)
         "From risk aversion to other risk attitudes"
14:45 Philippe Artzner (Université de Strasbourg)
         "Multiperiod risk measurement : problems, examples, comments"
15:30 Poster session and coffee break    
16:30 Oliver Linton (University of Cambridge)
         "Estimation of risk measures under heavy tails"
17:15 Roger Laeven (Tilburg University)
         "Risk management. When financial institutions can get in trouble together"
18:00 End of session

Thursday 05/31/2012 session on "Mathematical statistics"

08h30 Welcome coffee
08:50 Opening
09:00 Eckhard Liebscher (Hochschule Merseburg)
         "Approximation of distributions using Anderson-Darling and Cramér-von
          Mises statistics"

09:45 Jon A. Wellner (University of Washington)
         "Log-concavity - and why it matters"
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Alois Kneip (Universität Bonn)
         "Boundary estimation in the presence of measurement error with
          unknown variance"

11:45 Valentin Patilea (CREST - Ensai, Rennes)
         "Projection-based nonparametric goodness-of-fit testing with functional data"
12:30 End of session

Poster session and lunch  12:30 - 14:00

Thursday 05/31/2012 ceremony Doctor honoris causa and reception.

14:00 Lecture by Raymond J. Carroll
15:00 Lecture by Paul Embrechts
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Doctor honoris causa ceremony
18:00 Reception

Dinner 19:30

Friday 06/01/2012 session on "Biostatistics"

08:30 Welcome coffee
08:50 Opening
09:00 Paul Janssen (Universiteit Hasselt)
         "Goodness-of-fit tests for the frailty distribution in proportional hazards 
          models with shared frailty"

09:45 Virginie Rondeau (Université Victor Segalen, Bordeaux)
         "Cure frailty models for survival data: Application to recurrences for
          breast cancer and to hospital readmissions for colorectal cancer"

10:30 Poster session and coffee break 
11:30 Paul Eilers (Erasmus Universiteit MC, Rotterdam)
         "The beauty of tensor-product P-splines"
12:15 Wenceslao González-Manteiga (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
         "Extending induced ROC methodology to the functional context"
13:00 End of session

Lunch  13:00 - 14:30

The conference will be held in the «Auditoire Socrate 11», Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10


Poster sessions

For best interaction conditions with the audience and the invited speakers of our conference, the poster presentations will take place during the lunch or coffee breaks of the respective sessions :
- "Actuarial and Financial Risks": Wednesday, 15:30
- "Mathematical statistics": Thursday, 12:30
- "Biostatistics": Friday, 10:30

The submission period for posters is now closed. Thanks for your proposals. 



We thank you in advance for participating in the conference and/or DHC ceremony and kindly ask you to register online

For the conference, the regular registration fee is 120 €. There is a reduced fee of 80 € available for master or Ph.D. students (proof required) and SBS/BVS members only.
Your registration will be validated after your payment has been received. After April 30, 2012, the registration fee will increase by 50%.
For the participation at the conference dinner there applies an
additional fee of 60 € per person. 

Practical information and accommodation

- The conference and the Doctor honoris causa ceremony will take place in:
Auditoire Socrate 11 (SOCR 11)
Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve.

- Please find a map of Louvain-la-Neuve here
The lecture hall  SOCR 11 is located in the "building 19" on the map (coordinates D5, use "zoom-in").

- The parking lot "Grand-place" (liable to fees) is right near the "building 19".
- The directions to the workshop from the parking lot will be pointed out by signs.

How to get to Louvain-la-Neuve ?

If you want to stay in Louvain-la-Neuve overnight:

  1. Hotel Mercure. Booking has to be done as soon as possible!
    Boulevard de Lauzelle 61
    1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
    Tel: (+32)10/450751

  2. Hotel Leonardo (more difficult public transportation to LLN)
    Rue de la Wastinne 45
    B-1301 Wavre
    Tel: (+32)10/411363

  3. At Home Hotel (more difficult public transportation to LLN)
    Place Bosch 33
    B-1300 Wavre
    Tel: (+32)10/228383

  4. Hotels in Brussels (30km/45' by train)

Contact and information

Mrs Tatiana Regout
Voie du Roman Pays 20
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Email : Tatiana Regout
Phone : (+32)10/47.94.07
Fax : (+32)10/47.30.32

Organized by  

ISBA  IMMAQFaculté des Sciences   logo_ucl        

co-sponsorship by

 Fnrs     FWO   ims    sbs


The Interuniversity Attraction Pole on Statistics (IAP/P6/03) is a network of 9 research teams who collaborate on the topic of the statistical analysis of association and dependence in complex data.


09:00 Welcome coffee

09:30 Welcome, report on status of the network, summary of results

09:40 Session 1: Dependence and copulas
         Organizer: Irene Gijbels

         09:40 Introduction: Johan Segers
         10:00 Dominik Sznajder:
                  “Testing for dependence structures by means of copulas”
         10:25 Fentaw Abegza: 
                  “Semiparametric estimation of conditional copulas”
         10:50 Discussion: Irene Gijbels

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Session 2: High-dimensional data
         Organizer: Luc Duchateau

         11:30 Introduction: Olivier Thas
         11:50 Lieven Clement: 
                  "Functional data analysis in genomics"
         12:15 Katrijn Van Deun: 
                  “Sparse simultaneous component analysis”
         12:40 Discussion: Luc Duchateau

12:50 Lunch / Administrative lunch meeting

14:10 Session 3: Hierarchically structured data
         Organizers: Geert Molenberghs, Francis Tuerlinckx, Geert Verbeke

         14:10 Introduction: Geert Molenberghs
         14:30 Edmund Njeru Njagi: 
                  “A Flexible Joint-Modelling Framework for Longitudinal 
                  and Time-to-Event Data with Overdispersion”
         14:55 Kim De Roover: 
                  “Clusterwise SCA-ECP: Capturing differences and similarities 
                  in nature and number 
                  of underlying components in multivariate multiblock data”
         15:20 Discussion: Geert Molenberghs

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Session 4: Instrumental variables regression
         Organizers: Jan Johannes, Ingrid Van Keilegom

         16:00 Introduction: Jan Johannes
         16:20 Stijn Vansteenlandt: 
                  “Instrumental Variables Estimation of Causal Odds Ratios"
         16:45 Maik Schwarz: 
                  “Partially adaptive nonparametric instrumental regression”
         17:10 Discussion: Els Goetghebeur

17:20 End of Workshop  

Practical information and accommodation

The workshop will take place in:
Auditoire Socrate 11 (SOCR 11)
Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve.

Please find a map of Louvain-la-Neuve here
The lecture hall  SOCR 11 is located in the "building 19" on the map (coordinates D5, use "zoom-in").

The parking lot "Grand-place" (liable to fees) is right near the "building 19".
The directions to the workshop from the parking lot will be pointed out by signs.

How to get to Louvain-la-Neuve ?

If you want to stay in Louvain-la-Neuve overnight, please contact Tatiana Regout 


We thank you in advance for participating in  the workshop and kindly ask you to register online.
Participation is free of charge, but registration no later than November 11 is mandatory.

Contact and information

Mrs Tatiana Regout
Voie du Roman Pays 20
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Email : Tatiana Regout
Phone : (+32)10/47.94.07
Fax : (+32)10/47.30.32

    Sponsored by                                         Organized by


 Belspo                     PAI        UCL                              IAP/P6/03