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Analytical equipment

X-Ray diffractometers

XRD diffractometers equipped with MAR345 detectors suitable for single crystal and powder measurements using Debye-Scherrer geometry. Variable temperature experiments can be performed.

Technical description of X-Ray sources:


Single crystal X-Ray diffractometer 

IμSORIGINAL Incoatec Microfocus SourceORIGINAL Mo ELM33. Mo Kα microfocus x-ray sourceORIGINAL, air cooled, with source shutter, stand-alone high voltage generator (ISG250) and focusing Montel multilayer optics of the latest generation for SCD applications (model ELM33Mo), photon flux density ~1.2*109 ph/(s mm²) Mo Kα, photon flux (vacuum) ~1.9*107 ph/s, divergence ~4.9mrad, beam cross section ~110 μm.

Powder X-Ray diffractometer

IμSHIGHBRILLIANCE - Incoatec Microfocus SourceHIGHBRILLIANCE Mo ELM47. Mo Kα microfocus x-ray sourceHIGHBRILLIANCE, air cooled, with source shutter, stand-alone high voltage generator (ISG250) and quasi parallel Montel multilayer optics of the latest generation for SAXS applications (model ELM47Mo), photon flux density ~0.7*109 ph/(s mm²) Mo Kα, photon flux (vacuum) ~3*107 ph/s, divergence ~2.5 mrad, the full beam cross section ~200 μm.

Technical description of Detectors:

Imaging Plate X-Ray Data Collection System

  • Plate diameter: 345 mm
  • Pixel size: 150μm x 150μm or 100μm x 100μm; software selectable
  • Number of pixels: 2300 x 2300 or 3450 x 3450
  • Sensitivity: 1 photon per ADCunit at 8 keV
  • Intrinsic noise: 1 to 1.5 photons equivalent
  • Dynamic range: approx. 1:128 000
  • Diameters of scanned area: 180 mm to 345 mm; software selectable

Sieverts volumetric systems

Hiden Isochema IMI. Operates with pressures up to 200 bar for various gases from 77 K up to 500 °C. Includes immersion sample holder and two sample holders integrating a furnace.

Hy-Energy PCTPro-2000 (Kep-Technologies). Operates with pressures up to 200 bar, for the use of hydrogen at low and high temperatures.

Thermal analysis coupled with mass spectrometry (TGA/DSC-MS)

Netzsch STA 449 F3 TGA/DSC equipped with a stainless steel oven hosted in an argon-filled glovebox coupled with a Netzsch QMS 403 D Aëolos mass spectrometer. Experiments can be run from -100°C to 1000°C.

Infrared spectroscopy

Bruker ALPHA FTIR spectrometer equipped with transmission and variable temperature ATR modules. The IR spectrometer is hosted in a glovebox to allow measurements of air-sensitive samples.


Equipment for synthesis

Gloveboxes and Schlenk lines

Equipment operating under argon, for experiments and syntheses under inert atmosphere.

4-glove glovebox from Innovative Technologies (now Inert) with an integrated microscope and freezer; MBraun Labmaster (4 gloves, integrated microscope); Vigor glovebox (6 gloves) hosts the TGA/DSC instrument and a semi-microbalance.

High vacuum

Edwards turbomolecular pump connected to a LN2 trap for treating samples in high vacuum.

Mechanochemical synthesis

Fritsch PULVERISETTE 7 premium line ball-mill equipped with stainless steel and tungsten carbide grinding bowls. Pressure and temperature can be measured during the experiments.

Retsch mill


For syntheses under high pressure.