Prof. Francesco Contino works at micro (micro gas turbines, hydrogen storage, ...) and macro levels (region, country) to understand what the key drivers are to help us succeed the energy transition.
In his research group, Prof. F. Contino focuses on the development and application of Robust Design Optimisation (RDO) to energy systems. In this approach, he provides robust alternatives that are less vulnerable to uncertainties in the energy system’s operating environment.
He has used RDO to create robust designs for various energy systems, including micro gas turbines, solar photovoltaics with battery storage, hydrogen and other e-fuel applications. Finally, he also looks at the concept of antifragility in optimisation under uncertainty, to take advantage of drastic events, such as a sudden increase in the natural gas price, to improve the energy system’s performance.
In the understanding of uncertainties, he focuses on mapping the impact of limited data (i.e., epistemic uncertainty) and natural variability (i.e., aleatory uncertainty) on key parameters, such as the solar irradiance and the natural gas price for the next decades, using advanced mathematical methods such as imprecise probabilities. He aims to provide decision-makers with actionable insights by working on the interpretation of uncertain energy system performances.
He also focuses on developing efficient ways to propagate these uncertainties using surrogate-assisted uncertainty quantification methods, as existing state-of-the-art methods are limited in their applicability to complex, time-consuming energy system models (i.e., the curse of dimensionality).
He also integrates other disciplines in his research by studying the social practices related to energy consumption and the impact of policies on the transition.