Congratulations to Arthur Sluÿters !
lourim | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons
On March 24, 2022, Arthur Sluÿters, researcher in human-computer interaction, won the first Best Paper Award at the 27th Annual Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces for his paper Hand Gesture Recognition for an Off-the-Shelf Radar by Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion with Prof. Jan Vanderdonckt and Prof. Sébastien Lambot (UCLouvain). Congratulations for this recognition!
This paper presents the use of microwave radar sensors in human-computer interactions, as they have several advantages compared to wearable and image-based sensors. The problem is that the raw signals produced by such radars is relatively complex to interpret for gesture recognition. In this paper, the researchers present a novel data processing pipeline for hand gesture recognition that combines advanced full-wave electromagnetic modelling and inversion with machine learning. This makes the use of radar sensors easier for human-computer interaction and gesture recognition. Discover his full presentation here and the paper here.
The annual ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI) is a premiere venue for discussion and dissemination of research on the design, development, and evaluation of human-oriented AI systems, that is, systems that people directly interact with and that incorporate some aspects of machine intelligence. ACM IUI is particularly known for disseminating research that combines computational innovation, novel interaction design, and empirical evidence demonstrating that the resulting solution is valuable to people (Retrieved from their website).