Michel Ajzen and Laurent Taskin @AOM Seattle 2022
lourim | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons
Michel Ajzen and Laurent Taskin will present their paper "From Micro- to Macro-Politics of NWOW: The Re-Regulation of the ‘New Ideal Worker’ in a Conventionalist Perspective » as a part of their symposium accepted for the 2022 AOM conference in Seattle. The symposium entitled "New Ways of Working – Institutions, Identity, and Power" is co-organized altogether with Andrea S. Barth (Alanus University), Emamdeen Fohim and Claus D. Jacobs (University of Bern), Markus A. Höllerer (University of New South Wales), Renate E. Meyer (Vienna University) and Trish Reay (University of Alberta).