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A research stay for the RadarSense project

lourim | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons

9 November 2022, modified on 6 December 2024


Last week, two LouRIM researchers, Quentin Sellier and Arthur Sluÿters went to the University Ștefan cel Mare (Suceava, Romania) as part of the project RadarSense. The RadarSense project is a WBI project supported by Prof. Jean Vanderdonckt, aiming to gesture and motion recognition using radar technology. Researcher Radu-Daniel Vatavu, from the University Ștefan cel Mare, is partner of this project and welcomed our researchers.



During this research stay, they had the opportunity to create the prototype of such a recognition device. They were looking to combine a giant touch screen with radar technology. In this case, the touchscreen allowed to change videos, pause, etc. and the radar allowed us to change "channels". This is a great improvement in the technical set-up of such a device.


They also had the chance to be part of a jury for a hackathon organised by the University. Find more about this event here and here.


This research stay suggests great possibilities for the effective development of this gesture recognition technology.