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Visit of Yannick Dufresne and Simon Coulombe from Laval University in the frame of the “Datagotchi Kenko”’s research project

lourim | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons

3 May 2023, modified on 6 December 2024

We are excited to share with you the recent visit of Yannick Dufresne and Simon Coulombe from Laval university. During their three-day visit last April, they brainstormed with Flore Vancompernolle and Corentin Vande Kerckhove about their common research project called "Datagotchi Kenko."


This research project aims to predict mental health from lifestyle indicators and propose recommendations on how to improve mental health for employees. The project explores transparency in machine learning models, fairness aspects, and causality. The visit was productive as the team explored these important questions and shared their knowledge and expertise.


This visit was also a great opportunity to meet with LouRIM’s professors sharing their research interest such as Guilhem Bascle, François Fouss, and Marco Saerens, as well as LouRIM’s PhD students Camille Charles and Chloé Satinet. 

This sharing of ideas and expertise was really insightful and valuable for all the participants involved, and they are looking forward to future collaborations.