Call for Papers - 3rd Common Good International Conference 2025
lourim | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons
After the success of the previous years and the continuing dynamic around Common Good HRM, we are pleased to announce a call for papers for our 3rd Common Good HRM International Conference 2025 which will be organised by the Common Good HRM International Research Network and hosted by the Institute for Human Resource Management, WU-Vienna, Austria, The Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations (LouRIM) at UC Louvain, Belgium, The Open University Business School, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, and (newly) Napier University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom and The University of Otago, New Zealand with the main theme:
Navigating Insecurities:
Advancing Common Good HRM for Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Workplaces
In accordance with our philosophy of open-access, affordability and sustainability, the conference is free of change and will take place online on 11th -12th March, 2025.
As usual, full and developmental papers and abstracts will be accepted and this year we will be offering sessions for PhD students and practitioners.
We look forward to a diverse selection of exciting submissions and wish to thank the scientific advisory team of Ina Aust, Fang Lee Cooke and Michael Müller-Camen, the whole scientific committee and our session chairs for dedicating their valuable time to help maintain the excellence of the conference.
Paper Submission and Registration:
Please submit either a full paper or a long abstract including a title page with title, author names and affiliations, 150-word abstract, and up to 5 key words. The maximum length of a full paper is 40 pages (including title page, all tables, graphs, figures, appendices, and references) and the minimum length for a long abstract is 2 pages. Both types of submissions should follow one specific format (such as, for example, 12 pt, Times New Roman or Arial; margin left/right: 2.5 cm; line spacing: 1.5).
You can submit your paper from 2nd until 31st of January 2024 by using the online form on our website: PAPER SUBMISSION
We will send out the submissions for peer-review and inform you in a timely manner if your paper is accepted for the conference.
For further information, please contact, or
The conference organising team would also like to express our gratitude to our partner organisations: WU-Vienna, UCLouvain, The Open University-UK, Napier University and The University of Otago.