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Welcome Information Session for International Researchers

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Dear researchers,

You started a research stay at UCLouvain in the last 2 months. First of all, welcome !

You may still have practical questions about living in Belgium or working at UCLouvain. The Louvain Welcome Desk (LWD) is there to help you ! The LWD is UCLouvain’s Euraxess service center for researchers in mobility. This hub, which takes the form of a virtual contact point (email address), is dedicated to mobility and ensures that any question emanating from researchers in mobility at UCLouvain will be answered, whatever the service in charge ! We therefore are at the crossroad between Human Ressources, the International Relations Office, the Enrolment Office, etc ; thus, creating an efficient ecosystem to welcome you.

On the one hand, please feel free to visit the Louvain Welcome Desk website or consult the International Welcome Guide, which also covers the administrative aspects of your research stay.

Besides, the LWD organizes welcome sessions where we can present you the different aspects of life in UCLouvain.

We would like to invite you to our welcome information session for international researchers (PhD. Students, postdocs, visiting researchers, …) which will take place on Tuesday January the 30th from 9:30 to 12:00 (with a break of 20 min). Please register here. The session will be held on the campus of Louvain-la-Neuve but can also be attended remotely by Teams (please give your e-mail address when you register to receive the link) . On-site, it will take place in Salle O (located in Place de l'Université, 1, Building "des Halles universitaires" , – 4rth floor, wing A-438 map and picture in attachment). You will be informed about the organization of our university, the first steps in UCLouvain and in Belgium, and other useful information for your life here and your research.

We wish you successful research !

Louvain Welcome Desk team

  • Mardi, 30 janvier 2024, 08h00
    Mardi, 30 janvier 2024, 17h00
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