Archive of past events of the site Institute Of NeuroScience
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COSY Conference - Talk by Pr Friedhelm Hummel07 FebDear IoNS members, The COSY Division has the great pleasure to invite you to the conference entitled: Non-invasive brain stimulation to target deep brain structures: a novel opportunity? This conference will take place on February, 7th at 3:00 pm in the Maisin Auditorium (LEW). Guest speaker: Pr Friedhelm Hummel Director, Defitech Chair of Clinical Neuroengineering, Neuro-X Institute (INX) andEn savoir plusCOSY Conference - Talk by Pr Friedhelm Hummel07 FebDear IoNS members, The COSY Division has the great pleasure to invite you to the conference entitled: Non-invasive brain stimulation to target deep brain structures: a novel opportunity? This conference will take place on February, 7th at 3:00 pm in the Maisin Auditorium (LEW). Guest speaker: Pr Friedhelm Hummel Director, Defitech Chair of Clinical Neuroengineering, Neuro-X Institute (INX) and
Soutenance publique de thèse de Pierre VASSILIADIS07 FebDear IoNS members, The COSY Division is pleased to invite you to the public defence of Mr Pierre VASSILIADIS, entitled: “Mechanisms underlying reinforcement learning of motor skills” This defence will take place on Tuesday February, 7th at 5:00 PM in the Maisin auditorium, in order to obtain the final qualification of Doctor of Medical sciences. Link videoconference : savoir plusSoutenance publique de thèse de Pierre VASSILIADIS07 FebDear IoNS members, The COSY Division is pleased to invite you to the public defence of Mr Pierre VASSILIADIS, entitled: “Mechanisms underlying reinforcement learning of motor skills” This defence will take place on Tuesday February, 7th at 5:00 PM in the Maisin auditorium, in order to obtain the final qualification of Doctor of Medical sciences. Link videoconference :
Chaire Collen-Francqui 2022/2023 : Décodage des circuits neuronaux06 FebL'institut de Neuroscience a le plaisir de vous inviter à la leçon inaugurale qui aura lieu Le Lundi 6 février 2023 à 17h00 : Flashing Brain Networks : from Functions to Future Therapeutics in and out of the Brain ? Par le Professeur Serge Schiffmann, de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles en qualité de titulaire de la Chaire Collen-Francqui au titre belge. Auditoire Maisin – Av.En savoir plusChaire Collen-Francqui 2022/2023 : Décodage des circuits neuronaux06 FebL'institut de Neuroscience a le plaisir de vous inviter à la leçon inaugurale qui aura lieu Le Lundi 6 février 2023 à 17h00 : Flashing Brain Networks : from Functions to Future Therapeutics in and out of the Brain ? Par le Professeur Serge Schiffmann, de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles en qualité de titulaire de la Chaire Collen-Francqui au titre belge. Auditoire Maisin – Av.
EURON PhD Days 202326 JanWe are pleased to invite you to the 23nd edition of the EURON PhD Days.En savoir plusEURON PhD Days 202326 JanWe are pleased to invite you to the 23nd edition of the EURON PhD Days.
CEMO seminar January, 25th - G. Chehade25 JanThe CEMO Division is pleased to invite you to the monthly CEMO seminar entitled "“Glioblastoma Genesis and Aggressiveness: Could DIAPH3 be a Game-Changer?”". This seminar will take place on January, 25th at 12:00 in the Gerty Cori room (LEW- Laennec Tower) Speaker: Mr Georges Chehade (Developmental neurobiology lab)En savoir plusCEMO seminar January, 25th - G. Chehade25 JanThe CEMO Division is pleased to invite you to the monthly CEMO seminar entitled "“Glioblastoma Genesis and Aggressiveness: Could DIAPH3 be a Game-Changer?”". This seminar will take place on January, 25th at 12:00 in the Gerty Cori room (LEW- Laennec Tower) Speaker: Mr Georges Chehade (Developmental neurobiology lab)
Défense publique de thèse de Timothée CAYROL 18 janvier 202318 JanVous êtes cordialement invités à la défense publique de thèse de Timothée CAYROL le mercredi 18 janvier à 17h dans l’auditoire 51 Maisin (UCLouvain, Avenue E. Mounier, 51. 1200 Bruxelles). Sa thèse est intitulée : “Unravelling central-pain mechanisms in patients with temporomandibular disorders”.En savoir plusDéfense publique de thèse de Timothée CAYROL 18 janvier 202318 JanVous êtes cordialement invités à la défense publique de thèse de Timothée CAYROL le mercredi 18 janvier à 17h dans l’auditoire 51 Maisin (UCLouvain, Avenue E. Mounier, 51. 1200 Bruxelles). Sa thèse est intitulée : “Unravelling central-pain mechanisms in patients with temporomandibular disorders”.
Mini symposium COSY December, 20th at 3:00pm (Maisin Auditorium)20 DecThe COSY Divisoin is pleased to invite you to a mini symposium entitled: "EEG: old method, new applications" that will take place in the Maisin Auditorium at 3:00 pm. Program: 3:00 pm: Spontaneous EEG microstates: current understanding and future directions. Prof. Thomas Koenig (University of Bern, Switzerland) 4:00 pm: TMS-evoked potentials: a unique window on human cortical circuits.En savoir plusMini symposium COSY December, 20th at 3:00pm (Maisin Auditorium)20 DecThe COSY Divisoin is pleased to invite you to a mini symposium entitled: "EEG: old method, new applications" that will take place in the Maisin Auditorium at 3:00 pm. Program: 3:00 pm: Spontaneous EEG microstates: current understanding and future directions. Prof. Thomas Koenig (University of Bern, Switzerland) 4:00 pm: TMS-evoked potentials: a unique window on human cortical circuits.
Soutenance publique de thèse de Yollande DJIVOH20 DecLa Faculté des sciences de la motricité, l'Institut de Neuroscience et le laboratoire de physiologie et biomécanique de la Locomotion ont le plaisir de vous convier à la soutenance de thèse publique de Madame Yollande Sènan DJIVOH SONOUNAMETO "Acute and training effects of abdominal exercices on abdominal wall and control of potential side effects on the pelvic floor in Beninese postpaEn savoir plusSoutenance publique de thèse de Yollande DJIVOH20 DecLa Faculté des sciences de la motricité, l'Institut de Neuroscience et le laboratoire de physiologie et biomécanique de la Locomotion ont le plaisir de vous convier à la soutenance de thèse publique de Madame Yollande Sènan DJIVOH SONOUNAMETO "Acute and training effects of abdominal exercices on abdominal wall and control of potential side effects on the pelvic floor in Beninese postpa
CEMO monthly seminar01 DecThe CEMO division is pleased to announce the next CEMO seminar that will take place on Thursday the 1st of December at the 57 Gerty Cori room (Laennec tower), from noon to 2 pm. The speaker will be Nathalie Kyalu Ngoie Zola from Louvain Aging Brain Lab (IoNS) and Protein Phosphorylation unit (DDUV). The title of her talk is: "Specific post-translational modifications of the soluble tau proteinEn savoir plusCEMO monthly seminar01 DecThe CEMO division is pleased to announce the next CEMO seminar that will take place on Thursday the 1st of December at the 57 Gerty Cori room (Laennec tower), from noon to 2 pm. The speaker will be Nathalie Kyalu Ngoie Zola from Louvain Aging Brain Lab (IoNS) and Protein Phosphorylation unit (DDUV). The title of her talk is: "Specific post-translational modifications of the soluble tau protein
Evidence-based practice en neuroréhabilitation: intérêt de la rééducation intensive & de la réalité virtuelle 21 novembre 202221 NovL’Institut de NeuroScience, le Secteur des sciences la santé de l’UCLouvain, la HELHa et le CeREF santé vous invitent au symposium: «Evidence-based practice en neurorehabilitation: intérêt de la rééducation intensive & de la réalité virtuelle» Lundi 21 novembre 2022 Auditoire Coubertin, 12 - Louvain-la-Neuve Programme : 16:00 Introduction Prof.En savoir plusEvidence-based practice en neuroréhabilitation: intérêt de la rééducation intensive & de la réalité virtuelle 21 novembre 202221 NovL’Institut de NeuroScience, le Secteur des sciences la santé de l’UCLouvain, la HELHa et le CeREF santé vous invitent au symposium: «Evidence-based practice en neurorehabilitation: intérêt de la rééducation intensive & de la réalité virtuelle» Lundi 21 novembre 2022 Auditoire Coubertin, 12 - Louvain-la-Neuve Programme : 16:00 Introduction Prof.