Archive of past events of the site Institute Of NeuroScience
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CEMO Conference October, 28th "GPCR signaling bias: contribution of genetic receptor variants and signaling from intracellular receptors"28 OctThe CEMO Division is pleased to invite you to the conference entitled: « GPCR signaling bias: contribution of genetic receptor variants and signaling from intracellular receptors » Friday October, 28th 2022 at 12:30 - Meeting room: Couvreur 73+0 (LEW) Dr Ralf JOCKERS Hôpital Cochin (INSERM), Paris, France Groupe de recherche en Pharmacologie fonctionnelle et physiopathologieEn savoir plusCEMO Conference October, 28th "GPCR signaling bias: contribution of genetic receptor variants and signaling from intracellular receptors"28 OctThe CEMO Division is pleased to invite you to the conference entitled: « GPCR signaling bias: contribution of genetic receptor variants and signaling from intracellular receptors » Friday October, 28th 2022 at 12:30 - Meeting room: Couvreur 73+0 (LEW) Dr Ralf JOCKERS Hôpital Cochin (INSERM), Paris, France Groupe de recherche en Pharmacologie fonctionnelle et physiopathologie
Soutenance publique de thèse de Mattia FERRAIOLO28 OctL'IoNS et le pôle CEMO ont le plaisir de vous convier à la défense de thèse de Monsieur Mattia FERRAIOLO "Treating Parkinson's Disease: A Matter of Density?" Thèse présentée en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques Promoteur: Pr Emmanuel Hermans, UCLouvain Co-Promoteur: Dr Julien Hanson, ULiège Membres du jury: Pr Nicolas Tajeddine, UCLoEn savoir plusSoutenance publique de thèse de Mattia FERRAIOLO28 OctL'IoNS et le pôle CEMO ont le plaisir de vous convier à la défense de thèse de Monsieur Mattia FERRAIOLO "Treating Parkinson's Disease: A Matter of Density?" Thèse présentée en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques Promoteur: Pr Emmanuel Hermans, UCLouvain Co-Promoteur: Dr Julien Hanson, ULiège Membres du jury: Pr Nicolas Tajeddine, UCLo
Soutenance publique de thèse d'Arnaud Philippot21 OctThe COSY division is pleased to invite you to a mini symposium on the theme of "Mental Health & physical activity" that will take place on October 21 at 2:00 PM in the Maisin Auditorium (LEW). We will have the pleasure to receive Pr Budde (Medical School Hamburg, Germany) and Pr Vancampfort (LU Leuven, Belgium). The symposium will be followed by the public defence of Mr Arnaud PhilippoEn savoir plusSoutenance publique de thèse d'Arnaud Philippot21 OctThe COSY division is pleased to invite you to a mini symposium on the theme of "Mental Health & physical activity" that will take place on October 21 at 2:00 PM in the Maisin Auditorium (LEW). We will have the pleasure to receive Pr Budde (Medical School Hamburg, Germany) and Pr Vancampfort (LU Leuven, Belgium). The symposium will be followed by the public defence of Mr Arnaud Philippo
Soutenance publique de thèse de Patrick BALUNGWE21 OctL'IoNS et le pôle NEUR ont le plaisir de vous convier à la soutenance publique de thèse de Monsieur Patrick BALUNGWE "Evaluation de l'applicabilité du "Sniffin'Stick test" dans la population africaine sub-saharienne du Sud-Kivu (R.D. Congo)" Thèse présentée en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences médicales Promoteur: Pr.En savoir plusSoutenance publique de thèse de Patrick BALUNGWE21 OctL'IoNS et le pôle NEUR ont le plaisir de vous convier à la soutenance publique de thèse de Monsieur Patrick BALUNGWE "Evaluation de l'applicabilité du "Sniffin'Stick test" dans la population africaine sub-saharienne du Sud-Kivu (R.D. Congo)" Thèse présentée en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences médicales Promoteur: Pr.
CEMO monthly seminar20 OctCEMO is pleased to announce the next seminar of the department that will be take place pn Thursday the 20th of October. The seminar will be followed by a lunch (kindly provided by the department) in order to allow everybody to interact and promote collaborations between labs. Agenda: 12h00 - “Investigation of the role of gut microbiota on brain and behavior in alcohol-dependent patieEn savoir plusCEMO monthly seminar20 OctCEMO is pleased to announce the next seminar of the department that will be take place pn Thursday the 20th of October. The seminar will be followed by a lunch (kindly provided by the department) in order to allow everybody to interact and promote collaborations between labs. Agenda: 12h00 - “Investigation of the role of gut microbiota on brain and behavior in alcohol-dependent patie
Brain Innovation Days 202211 OctWe are delighted to announce the Brain Innovation Days.En savoir plusBrain Innovation Days 202211 OctWe are delighted to announce the Brain Innovation Days.
FRIA training sessions06 OctWe have the pleasure to invite you to the first FRIA training sessions of this academic year. They will take place in the room 38A (Pavillon des conférences – LEW) from 9:30 am to 12:00 on October, 6th and October 7th. The sessions will be followed by a luncheon. The organizing committee, Venethia Danthine, Chiara Leu & Farah IssaEn savoir plusFRIA training sessions06 OctWe have the pleasure to invite you to the first FRIA training sessions of this academic year. They will take place in the room 38A (Pavillon des conférences – LEW) from 9:30 am to 12:00 on October, 6th and October 7th. The sessions will be followed by a luncheon. The organizing committee, Venethia Danthine, Chiara Leu & Farah Issa
Biocodex Microbiota Foundation - 2022 Grant Award Ceremony05 OctYou are all kindly invited to the Biocodex Microbiota Foundation national research grant award ceremony Please find below the preliminary programme: Introduction by a representative of the Biocodex Microbiota Foundation Presentation of the winning project (Dr. Sophie Leclercq and Pr.En savoir plusBiocodex Microbiota Foundation - 2022 Grant Award Ceremony05 OctYou are all kindly invited to the Biocodex Microbiota Foundation national research grant award ceremony Please find below the preliminary programme: Introduction by a representative of the Biocodex Microbiota Foundation Presentation of the winning project (Dr. Sophie Leclercq and Pr.
Séminaire NEUR du 4 octobre 202204 OctLe pôle NEUR a le plaisir de vous convier au premier séminaire NEUR de l'année académique qui se tiendra en co-modal le mardi 4 octobre 2022 de 12h30 à 13h30 dans la salle 55 Harvey 3 (LEW). Le séminaire sera suivi d'un lunch (salle Harvey 1) Programme : V. Joris: “The use of rsfMRI and micro-fingerprinting in identifying epileptic networks” V.En savoir plusSéminaire NEUR du 4 octobre 202204 OctLe pôle NEUR a le plaisir de vous convier au premier séminaire NEUR de l'année académique qui se tiendra en co-modal le mardi 4 octobre 2022 de 12h30 à 13h30 dans la salle 55 Harvey 3 (LEW). Le séminaire sera suivi d'un lunch (salle Harvey 1) Programme : V. Joris: “The use of rsfMRI and micro-fingerprinting in identifying epileptic networks” V.
Presentation by Professor Seung-Schik Yoo28 SepThe Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS) has the pleasure to invite you to the presentation entitled “Transcranial focused ultrasound brain stimulation of the somatosensory area induces offline changes in resting-state functional connectivity in humans” which will be given by Professor Seung-Schik Yoo (Harvard University) on Wednesday 28th of September 2022 at 5:30 PM Abstract: The effects of transcrEn savoir plusPresentation by Professor Seung-Schik Yoo28 SepThe Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS) has the pleasure to invite you to the presentation entitled “Transcranial focused ultrasound brain stimulation of the somatosensory area induces offline changes in resting-state functional connectivity in humans” which will be given by Professor Seung-Schik Yoo (Harvard University) on Wednesday 28th of September 2022 at 5:30 PM Abstract: The effects of transcr