Archive of past events of the site Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations
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LouRIM Christmas Celebration20 DecYou are all invited to participate in the LouRIM Christmas dinner taking place on 20 December from 12:00 to 14:00. Please join and bring a dish you fancy from a country you like - your country of origin or a country you visited. This event is completely informal, but it requires some organisation to run smoothly.En savoir plusLouRIM Christmas Celebration20 DecYou are all invited to participate in the LouRIM Christmas dinner taking place on 20 December from 12:00 to 14:00. Please join and bring a dish you fancy from a country you like - your country of origin or a country you visited. This event is completely informal, but it requires some organisation to run smoothly.
Tisser les liens entre Alumni, Professeurs et Etudiants de la Louvain School of Management - Eméritat de Pierre Semal19 DecThe LouRIM and Louvain School of Management are pleased to invite you to the "Pierre Semal's Emeritus" reception, which will honor Professor Pierre Semal for his entire career. Highlights of the Evening 18.30: Welcome by the LSM Dean 18.40: Weaving connections among Alumni, Professors and Master students at LSM today 19.00: A High Five to Pierre! 19.30: CocktailEn savoir plusTisser les liens entre Alumni, Professeurs et Etudiants de la Louvain School of Management - Eméritat de Pierre Semal19 DecThe LouRIM and Louvain School of Management are pleased to invite you to the "Pierre Semal's Emeritus" reception, which will honor Professor Pierre Semal for his entire career. Highlights of the Evening 18.30: Welcome by the LSM Dean 18.40: Weaving connections among Alumni, Professors and Master students at LSM today 19.00: A High Five to Pierre! 19.30: Cocktail
DSM PhD Day 202419 DecThe Doctoral School in Management UCLouvain - UNamur (DSM) is pleased to invite you to the 2024 DSM PhD Day that will be held at the UCLouvain in Louvain-la-Neuve Schedule TimeTitleSpeakerAreaMinutes9:00 AMOpening sessionPr.En savoir plusDSM PhD Day 202419 DecThe Doctoral School in Management UCLouvain - UNamur (DSM) is pleased to invite you to the 2024 DSM PhD Day that will be held at the UCLouvain in Louvain-la-Neuve Schedule TimeTitleSpeakerAreaMinutes9:00 AMOpening sessionPr.
Research seminar: Diffusion, obsolescence and recycling – theorizing the cycle of conceptual development in corporate sustainability13 DecHow do promises for sustainable businesses persist and grow despite their apparent and persistent failure in the context of Anthropocene?En savoir plusResearch seminar: Diffusion, obsolescence and recycling – theorizing the cycle of conceptual development in corporate sustainability13 DecHow do promises for sustainable businesses persist and grow despite their apparent and persistent failure in the context of Anthropocene?
Informal Research Seminar by Maria Roszkowska-Menkes13 DecHaving arrived at LouRIM in September as a new academic, Maria Roszkowska-Menkes will present her current research as well as her projects. Do not miss the opportunity to get to know her and her research interests.En savoir plusInformal Research Seminar by Maria Roszkowska-Menkes13 DecHaving arrived at LouRIM in September as a new academic, Maria Roszkowska-Menkes will present her current research as well as her projects. Do not miss the opportunity to get to know her and her research interests.
"Saint Nicolas"06 DecPlease join us all for a leisurely coffee break to celebrate St. Nicolas, the famous bringer of gifts. Come and enjoy cougnous, speculoos, marshmallows, chocolates, nic-nacs, fruits ... and drinks. Just bring your mug and register by 3 December noon.En savoir plus"Saint Nicolas"06 DecPlease join us all for a leisurely coffee break to celebrate St. Nicolas, the famous bringer of gifts. Come and enjoy cougnous, speculoos, marshmallows, chocolates, nic-nacs, fruits ... and drinks. Just bring your mug and register by 3 December noon.
Research Seminar: Le management par le care n'est-il qu'un management des temps de crise ? Conceptualiser le management par le care par l'étude des managers du monde médico-social05 DecLe Management par le Care est-il seulement un Management de Crise(s) ? Conceptualiser le management par le Care à partir d'une recherche sur les managers des secteurs sanitaires et médico-social. Caroline Ruiller (Université de Rennes), Christelle Routelous (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique), Franck Burellier Caroline Ruiller (Université de Rennes), Anne-Lise Le HesEn savoir plusResearch Seminar: Le management par le care n'est-il qu'un management des temps de crise ? Conceptualiser le management par le care par l'étude des managers du monde médico-social05 DecLe Management par le Care est-il seulement un Management de Crise(s) ? Conceptualiser le management par le Care à partir d'une recherche sur les managers des secteurs sanitaires et médico-social. Caroline Ruiller (Université de Rennes), Christelle Routelous (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique), Franck Burellier Caroline Ruiller (Université de Rennes), Anne-Lise Le Hes
Research seminar: Handle with care! Unveiling the tricky navigation of care in coaching & the risk of epistemic harm04 DecDespite substantial growth over the past three decades, coaching as a learning and developmental intervention remains marked by numerous inconsistencies, often leaving practitioners perplexed. This ambiguity is particularly pronounced in the realm of care within coaching, a pivotal yet often overlooked aspect.En savoir plusResearch seminar: Handle with care! Unveiling the tricky navigation of care in coaching & the risk of epistemic harm04 DecDespite substantial growth over the past three decades, coaching as a learning and developmental intervention remains marked by numerous inconsistencies, often leaving practitioners perplexed. This ambiguity is particularly pronounced in the realm of care within coaching, a pivotal yet often overlooked aspect.
Research seminar: Le changement climatique comme un péril commun : proposition pour une action climatique efficace et solidaire03 DecLe changement climatique impose des actions urgentes, mais celles-ci ont un coût souvent élevé et la répartition de ce coût suscite des débats complexes.En savoir plusResearch seminar: Le changement climatique comme un péril commun : proposition pour une action climatique efficace et solidaire03 DecLe changement climatique impose des actions urgentes, mais celles-ci ont un coût souvent élevé et la répartition de ce coût suscite des débats complexes.
Informal Research Seminar by Maxence Postaire15 NovHaving arrived at LouRIM in September as a new academic, Maxence Postaire will present his current research as well as his projects. Do not miss the opportunity to get to know him and his research interests. ACCESS ON TEAMSEn savoir plusInformal Research Seminar by Maxence Postaire15 NovHaving arrived at LouRIM in September as a new academic, Maxence Postaire will present his current research as well as his projects. Do not miss the opportunity to get to know him and his research interests. ACCESS ON TEAMS