Archive of past events of the site Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations
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CCMS Seminar, B. Korai (U Laval) & N. Vermeulen (UCLouvain - IPSY)30 JanNicolas Vermeulen Professeur UCLouvain (Faculté de psychologie), Chercheur qualifié FNRS. Quand la peur sous-tend la décision de consommer un produit : Le cas des produits pharmaceutiques en situation de crise sanitaire La peur est l'émotion dominante lorsque l'Humain est confronté à une menace réelle, potentielle ou même imaginée.En savoir plusCCMS Seminar, B. Korai (U Laval) & N. Vermeulen (UCLouvain - IPSY)30 JanNicolas Vermeulen Professeur UCLouvain (Faculté de psychologie), Chercheur qualifié FNRS. Quand la peur sous-tend la décision de consommer un produit : Le cas des produits pharmaceutiques en situation de crise sanitaire La peur est l'émotion dominante lorsque l'Humain est confronté à une menace réelle, potentielle ou même imaginée.
LouRIM Research Day20 JanPROGRAMME 11.30–13.00: Welcome drink and walking lunch 13.00–13.15: Welcome speech 13.15–14.45: Presentations of the selected publications 14.45–15.00: Break 15.00–16.30: Presentations of the selected publicationsEn savoir plusLouRIM Research Day20 JanPROGRAMME 11.30–13.00: Welcome drink and walking lunch 13.00–13.15: Welcome speech 13.15–14.45: Presentations of the selected publications 14.45–15.00: Break 15.00–16.30: Presentations of the selected publications
Public thesis defense of Santiago Villarreal16 JanDoctoral Commission in Economics and Management Sciences The Rector of UCLouvain and the Doctoral Commission in Economics and Management Sciences announce that Mr.En savoir plusPublic thesis defense of Santiago Villarreal16 JanDoctoral Commission in Economics and Management Sciences The Rector of UCLouvain and the Doctoral Commission in Economics and Management Sciences announce that Mr.
LouRIM International Christmas23 DecAfter a failed attempt last year due to Covid, LouRIM finally launches its very first international Christmas dinner. As many researchers with multiple origins have arrived this year, this will be a joyful opportunity to be together and reconnect around a nice and international Christmas dinner. When? On Friday, 23 December from 12.00 to 2.00 pm Where?En savoir plusLouRIM International Christmas23 DecAfter a failed attempt last year due to Covid, LouRIM finally launches its very first international Christmas dinner. As many researchers with multiple origins have arrived this year, this will be a joyful opportunity to be together and reconnect around a nice and international Christmas dinner. When? On Friday, 23 December from 12.00 to 2.00 pm Where?
Informal Research Presentation by Valérie SWAEN (POSTPONED)16 DecAccess on Teams !!! This event was postponed from December 9 to December 16 !!! Despite the increasing attention to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the management literature, little is known about the mechanisms and boundary conditions explaining employees’ responses to CSR.En savoir plusInformal Research Presentation by Valérie SWAEN (POSTPONED)16 DecAccess on Teams !!! This event was postponed from December 9 to December 16 !!! Despite the increasing attention to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the management literature, little is known about the mechanisms and boundary conditions explaining employees’ responses to CSR.
Research Seminar by Jean Pralong (EM Normandie)30 NovStatuts, carrières et promotion : le cas des réseaux criminels corses L’idée commune, immédiate, voudrait que les trajectoires dans le crime organisé n’obéissent qu’aux seules opportunités, à la recherche du profit le plus rapide par tous les moyens, là où les acteurs échappent à la loi.En savoir plusResearch Seminar by Jean Pralong (EM Normandie)30 NovStatuts, carrières et promotion : le cas des réseaux criminels corses L’idée commune, immédiate, voudrait que les trajectoires dans le crime organisé n’obéissent qu’aux seules opportunités, à la recherche du profit le plus rapide par tous les moyens, là où les acteurs échappent à la loi.
CCMS Seminar presentation by Prof. Alice Grønhøj (Aarhus BSS)21 NovSustainable food consumption and intergenerational influences Young people are important actors in the transition to more sustainable lifestyles in their roles as present and future consumers, and with their capacity for influencing parents and peers.En savoir plusCCMS Seminar presentation by Prof. Alice Grønhøj (Aarhus BSS)21 NovSustainable food consumption and intergenerational influences Young people are important actors in the transition to more sustainable lifestyles in their roles as present and future consumers, and with their capacity for influencing parents and peers.
Informal Research Presentation by Ive DAVID KLINKSIEK18 NovACCESS TO THE TEAMS My PhD project aims to explore how the new ways of working (NWOW) can impact the disadvantages that people with disabilities (PWD) face at work. The NWOW are a set of contemporary work practices characterized by flexibility and collaboration. They include the use of telework, activity-based offices, participative management, hot desking, among others.En savoir plusInformal Research Presentation by Ive DAVID KLINKSIEK18 NovACCESS TO THE TEAMS My PhD project aims to explore how the new ways of working (NWOW) can impact the disadvantages that people with disabilities (PWD) face at work. The NWOW are a set of contemporary work practices characterized by flexibility and collaboration. They include the use of telework, activity-based offices, participative management, hot desking, among others.
Research Seminar by Prof. John Geary (UCD)14 NovACCESS TO THE TEAMS Working at home and employee well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic By and large, we know that working at home has benefits and costs for both workers and employers. The distribution of those gains and losses, however, has largely been a matter of conjecture in the absence of reliable data.En savoir plusResearch Seminar by Prof. John Geary (UCD)14 NovACCESS TO THE TEAMS Working at home and employee well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic By and large, we know that working at home has benefits and costs for both workers and employers. The distribution of those gains and losses, however, has largely been a matter of conjecture in the absence of reliable data.
Research Seminar by Magdalena Krukowska28 OctACCESS THE SEMINAR VIA TEAMS Impact of the EU legislation on CSR and sustainability issues on the prevention of greenwashing and social washing practices The HSBC survey shows that as much as 97% European companies intend to start the transition to CSR/ESG-friendly business models within the next 5 years.En savoir plusResearch Seminar by Magdalena Krukowska28 OctACCESS THE SEMINAR VIA TEAMS Impact of the EU legislation on CSR and sustainability issues on the prevention of greenwashing and social washing practices The HSBC survey shows that as much as 97% European companies intend to start the transition to CSR/ESG-friendly business models within the next 5 years.