Archive of past events of the site Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations
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Research Seminar: what does it take to be a change maker?23 MayWhat does it take to be a societal change maker: a comprehensive review of social entrepreneurship competencies by Anne-Karen Hüske (Copenhagen Business School) The growing interest in social entrepreneurship has led to a nascent research interest into competencies driven by the question whether and if yes, how to teach them.En savoir plusResearch Seminar: what does it take to be a change maker?23 MayWhat does it take to be a societal change maker: a comprehensive review of social entrepreneurship competencies by Anne-Karen Hüske (Copenhagen Business School) The growing interest in social entrepreneurship has led to a nascent research interest into competencies driven by the question whether and if yes, how to teach them.
DSM PhD Day 202315 MayThe Doctoral School in Management UCLouvain - UNamur (DSM) is pleased to invite you to the 2023 DSM PhD Day that will be held at the University of Namur (Rempart de la Vierge 8, 5000 Namur) on May 15, 2023 (from 12:40 to 5:00 pm).En savoir plusDSM PhD Day 202315 MayThe Doctoral School in Management UCLouvain - UNamur (DSM) is pleased to invite you to the 2023 DSM PhD Day that will be held at the University of Namur (Rempart de la Vierge 8, 5000 Namur) on May 15, 2023 (from 12:40 to 5:00 pm).
Lionel DELATTE: The evolving landscape of corporate engagement with startups12 MayThe evolving landscape of corporate engagement with startups Despite the resources they possess, incumbent firms often lack the ability to develop new radical innovations, technologies, and business models to cope with fast technological changes in their industry and from other industries.En savoir plusLionel DELATTE: The evolving landscape of corporate engagement with startups12 MayThe evolving landscape of corporate engagement with startups Despite the resources they possess, incumbent firms often lack the ability to develop new radical innovations, technologies, and business models to cope with fast technological changes in their industry and from other industries.
Research seminar: intégration de l'économie circulaire dans les organisations12 MayLes outils d’intégration de l’économie circulaire dans les organisations – un bricolage de recherche-action par Marc Journeault (Université Laval) Cette présentation se veut une synthèse de 3 projets de recherche-action présentement en cours de réalisation et portant sur différents outils permettant la prise en compte et l’intégration de l’économie circulaire au sein de organisations.En savoir plusResearch seminar: intégration de l'économie circulaire dans les organisations12 MayLes outils d’intégration de l’économie circulaire dans les organisations – un bricolage de recherche-action par Marc Journeault (Université Laval) Cette présentation se veut une synthèse de 3 projets de recherche-action présentement en cours de réalisation et portant sur différents outils permettant la prise en compte et l’intégration de l’économie circulaire au sein de organisations.
Leçon inaugurale de la chaire Francqui de Valérie Swaen à HEC Liège02 MayFélicitations à la professeure Valérie Swaen pour l’obtention de la chaire Francqui 2023 à HEC Liège ! Dans ce cadre, nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la leçon inaugurale de la Chaire 2023 donnée par Valérie Swaen. Cette session portera sur le « Marketing au service de la transition : impératif ou imposture ? ». Une opportunité d’aborder ces questions d’actualitéEn savoir plusLeçon inaugurale de la chaire Francqui de Valérie Swaen à HEC Liège02 MayFélicitations à la professeure Valérie Swaen pour l’obtention de la chaire Francqui 2023 à HEC Liège ! Dans ce cadre, nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la leçon inaugurale de la Chaire 2023 donnée par Valérie Swaen. Cette session portera sur le « Marketing au service de la transition : impératif ou imposture ? ». Une opportunité d’aborder ces questions d’actualité
Research Seminar by Marine Agogué (HEC Montréal)21 AprMéthodes expérimentales appliquées aux sciences de gestion : expérimentation individuelle et collective La démarche expérimentale est de plus en plus utilisée en sciences de gestion, notamment dans des designs de recherche qui visent à établir des liens de causalité. Comment concevoir des manipulations expérimentales pertinentes en management ?En savoir plusResearch Seminar by Marine Agogué (HEC Montréal)21 AprMéthodes expérimentales appliquées aux sciences de gestion : expérimentation individuelle et collective La démarche expérimentale est de plus en plus utilisée en sciences de gestion, notamment dans des designs de recherche qui visent à établir des liens de causalité. Comment concevoir des manipulations expérimentales pertinentes en management ?
Research seminar by Kenneth De Roeck (SKEMA Business School)13 AprA micro-level investigation of the risk mitigation perspective of CSR. Kenneth will present a research project focused on investigating the value-protection properties of CSR and explain how the research team has intended to develop appropriate methodologies to overcome some of the challenges associated with the operationalization of this theoretical framework at the micro-level of analEn savoir plusResearch seminar by Kenneth De Roeck (SKEMA Business School)13 AprA micro-level investigation of the risk mitigation perspective of CSR. Kenneth will present a research project focused on investigating the value-protection properties of CSR and explain how the research team has intended to develop appropriate methodologies to overcome some of the challenges associated with the operationalization of this theoretical framework at the micro-level of anal
Research Seminar by Joeri Mol from University of Melbourne13 AprHistoricizing Space and the Subject: From the Great Chain of Being to the Nowhere Office’ Joeri Mol, Graham Sewell & Laurent Taskin Joeri Mol Short Bio I research markets – both inside and outside organisations. I am particularly interested in processes of financialisation and evaluation and how price and value are brought into an (often) uneasy relationship.En savoir plusResearch Seminar by Joeri Mol from University of Melbourne13 AprHistoricizing Space and the Subject: From the Great Chain of Being to the Nowhere Office’ Joeri Mol, Graham Sewell & Laurent Taskin Joeri Mol Short Bio I research markets – both inside and outside organisations. I am particularly interested in processes of financialisation and evaluation and how price and value are brought into an (often) uneasy relationship.
Easter Breakfast11 AprYou are invited to join the LouRIM Easter Breakfast on Tuesday 11 April from 8:30. Easter bells will bring coffee, juice, croissants ... and of course chocolate eggs. Do not forget your mug and good mood as usual. Please register by 6 April at noon.En savoir plusEaster Breakfast11 AprYou are invited to join the LouRIM Easter Breakfast on Tuesday 11 April from 8:30. Easter bells will bring coffee, juice, croissants ... and of course chocolate eggs. Do not forget your mug and good mood as usual. Please register by 6 April at noon.
Important modification in the PhD Regulation01 AprImportant modification in the PhD Regulation A recent survey by the CODOL concludes that there are too many spelling mistakes in PhD admission files, which may hinder scientific dissemination and lead to desk rejection of articles. As a result, the president of the doctoral committee announces the set up of a compulsory evaluation and associated tutorials to adEn savoir plusImportant modification in the PhD Regulation01 AprImportant modification in the PhD Regulation A recent survey by the CODOL concludes that there are too many spelling mistakes in PhD admission files, which may hinder scientific dissemination and lead to desk rejection of articles. As a result, the president of the doctoral committee announces the set up of a compulsory evaluation and associated tutorials to ad