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lsm | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons, Charleroi

Would you like to post an Internship or Job offer?

Usually, the internship period takes place from February to May. But many students, from specific programmes (CEMS, IB, ...) or students looking for a second internship, have the possibility to do an internship all year long, and even during Summer. So don't hesitate to post your offers at anytime all year-long.

How to post Job and Internship Offers

Internship is part of our Master’s programmes and provides our students with the opportunity to learn from an organisation’s culture and processes.

The internship gives our students the opportunity to turn academic experience and theoretical knowledge into a professional experience, helped by an internship supervisor from the company/organisation.


  • Internship accredited (10 ECTS) in the student’s Master’s Programme:
    • Classical Master’s 120 Programme: at least 60 opening and consecutive days during the second period of the second Master’s year (preferably between February and June)
    • CEMS MIM: at least 12 consecutive weeks during the last period of the first Master’s year (after the Easter holidays) - To meet CEMS requirements, the internship must be done abroad.
    • International Business (IB) programme: 6 months out of Europe during the second period of the second Master’s year
  • Internship completed during the Master’s degree but not recognised in the academic program of the students

On the LSM Career Center platform, LSM students will find our events and career actions, internship and job offers, useful information to develop their careers, etc. An important place has also been provided for our corporate partners.

We therefore invite you to use this platform, along with 5000 other companies and 400 European schools & universities.

  • You don't have a spot on JobTeaser yet and you're not one of our Corporate Partners? Do you wish to create a free private space, post your internship or job offers and announce your private events on our Career Center LSM platform? Create an account and post your offers.
  • You are already active on JobTeaser with a recruiter’s account? You can therefore as from now post offers.
  • You would like to become active on JobTeaser at a global level? Please contact JobTeaser.

Here are some specific LSM instructions to follow before posting an internsip offer :

1. "Additional details about the job" field

Complete the "Additional details" field on the right-hand side of the electronic form. Do this in sufficient detail, so the trainee can make an informed application. Maximum number of characters: 1300.

2. internship supervisor

If possible, specify in this "Additional details" field: name, position, training and years of experience of the internship supervisor.

In accordance with the internship regulations, the internship supervisor must hold a university degree or be able to prove professional experience and hold an equivalent level of responsibility.

  • If he has less than 5 years’ experience, he must hold a Master's degree.
  • If he has more than 5 years’ experience, he must have at least a Bachelor's degree.

3. Duration of the internship:

It is of course important to indicate the duration of the internship using the cursor on the left-hand side of the form and indicate the start and end date of the internship (dd/mm/yyyyy), or at least the period chosen, in the "Additional details" field.

4. “Benefits” field

An internship can only be paid if the legislation of the country where the internship is taking place allows this: in this case, please specify the legal reference in the "Additional details" section of the form.

Regardless of the legislation in force, LSM requires that the company reimburse the student (intern) for the costs incurred by the latter during the internship.

If you wish to share your internship offer with the whole of UCLouvain, you will also have to post your offer via the UCL form.

Please note that only internship offers published and validated on the LSM Career Center platform may lead to an internship agreement issued by our faculty.

5. Reserved Offer/Available Offer: If you've already found the shining star for an intrenship, please don't forget to

- tag the Internship Offer with the "Reserved Offer Tag"

- and to name the student in the description

If the offer is not reserved, please tag it as "Available Offer"

LSM has its own internship agreement model that has to be used and signed by the 3 parties (first the trainee student, then the supervisor (or the representative of the host institution), and finally the LSM internship agreement manager).

You will find here our Internship Agreement document blank so you can visualize it : Internship Agreement in English / Internship Agreement in French

In this case, the internship supervisor will be invited to participate in the defence of the Master's thesis and its evaluation. If s.he cannot be available for the defence, s.he will have to submit an evaluation of the Master's thesis at least 3 days before the defence. An explanatory email will be sent to him/her a few days before the defence.

Assessment grid for Master's thesis related to the internship available in French and English