Ethics, responsibility and sustainability (ERS) are at the core of the School’s mission and strategy, and are reflected in all aspects of its activities.
LSM is deeplycommitted to integratingethics, social responsibility and sustainability in all its activities. This is a core value which we live, teach and promote, with a very muchresearch-basedapproach, aiming to drive change in academia, the corporateworld, and society.
Our ambition is to developresponsible, competent and inspiring entrepreneurial leaders – people who are free, talented and respectful of the talents of others, profoundlyhonest and tolerant, and alsoclear-sighted and dynamicpersonalities. We aim to train entrepreneurs willing to launchinnovativeprojects, solvecomplexproblems by adopting a systemic perspective, and change business norms; ethical leaders who care about people and broadersociety, willing to undertake cultural change for more ethical and sustainabledevelopments; and statesmen, willing to participate in the design of a new politicalgovernance and to contribute to the common good.
ERS issues are at the heart of much of our facultymembers’ R&D work and of many LSM PhD and master’stheses. We are seekingeven more resources for teaching, research, partnerships, and service in thisareathroughfundraising for the new multi-companyPhilippe de Woot Chair in CorporateSustainable Management. Our membersstronglybelievethattheycannotsucceed in isolation; they must collaborate, with one another and with proactive companies, to develop and participate in the mostadvancednetworkswith respect to CSR, entrepreneurship, globallyresponsible leadership, and sustainabledevelopment. LSM is working in partnershipwith the CEMSnetwork, the signatories of the UN-inspiredPrinciples for Responsible Management Education (PRME), for which we were part of the launch in November 2017 of the France-Benelux PRMEChapter and report on progressevery 2 years, withGloballyResponsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI), Mind & Market, Openhub, Yncubator, and The Shift (the Belgian meeting point for sustainability), amongothernetworks.
The Schoolparticipatesactively in UCLouvain’sstrategy to live the principles of CSR and sustainability in the RIO+20 pledge. We also led SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDG) Barometer for Belgiumstudies.
All master students (Louvain-la-Neuve and Mons campuses) must complete a course on Corporate Social Responsibility.
Since 2017, studentsregistered in the CSR class in Louvain-la-Neuve are invited to participate to the SustainabilityLiteracy Test (Sulitest), an international set of questions and specialized modules of local questions about sustainability and the UN SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDG). With the Sulitest, we can convey an understanding of the role of the SDG as a business enabler. We can open theirappetite for the complexity and the huge business opportunitieslyingahead of them in thatarea. Sulitest to enhanceSustainableLiteracy
In 2019-2020, studentscontributed on the B Corp Live Experience, in collaboration with 17 start-ups and SMEsfrom diverse industries considering the B Corp certification and willing to have an objective overview of their impacts. In thiscontext, studentsworked on the B Impact Assessment (BIA) in cooperationwith the company, identifiedareas for improvement, developed concrete and practicalrecommendations and criticallyanalysed the BIA and B Corp certification. Not onlystudents, but alsocompaniesbenefitfromthisaction-oriented, experiential CSR learning. Successful "B Corp Live Experience”
In 2017 we launched the Philippe de Woot Major in CorporateSustainable Management (brochure and video). It is a multidisciplinary option of 6 courses in our MMS and MBE programmes whichaims to developcompetent and responsible leaders with a transversal view of the different management fields and offers a solidunderstanding of the complexdilemmas and the tools to develop agile and responsibleorganizational cultures and to implement effective compliance, business ethics and corporatesustainable management programmes. It is named in honour of LSM ProfessorPhilippe de Woot, who during 40 years at the School was a precursor of today’scommitment to CSR among the bestenterprises and management educators. The major is very popular, includingamong international students.
Through the inter-universityPhilippe De WootAwardwithrelatedcorporatepartnerships and events, UCLouvain continues workwithotheruniversities “to reinforcecooperationbetween the corporate and the academicworld in the CSR field, to enhance an inter-universityapproach on thesematters, and to raisethisundertaking to an international level.”
The regenerativeeconomy course defines the concept of regenerativeeconomy (as a circular, local, collaborative, functional and bio inspiredeconomy) and based on real-life challenges entrepreneurs are facing, students are asked to "hack" a business model and to propose innovative and sustainable solutions.
The specialization in Sourcing and Procurementdevotes part of the International Supply Chain Management course to ethicalconsiderations, including a case involving the distribution policy for vaccines.
We'vedeveloped our courses offeron-line by launching two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), “DiscoveringCorporate Social Responsibility” and “CSR reporting and communication”. By presentinginsightsfrom CSR experts, frombothacademia and practice, theseMOOCsprovide managers, consumers, and citizenswithin-depthinsights and critical perspectives on companies’ CSR activities and communications. On averageover 3.000 participants from 130 differentcountries have registered for each of its editionsto-date.
To help the nextgeneration of leaders developethical and sustainable leadership skills, LSM realizesintellectualapproaches are insufficient. Emotion and spirituality must be part of the learning process, achievedthrough discussion and exchanges of experiencesthat engage the wholeperson. Experiential, presentational, propositional, and practicalways of learning must be integratedintogloballyresponsible leaders’ curricula. For example, studentsmightconfront a disorientingdilemmathat combines both global and individual challenges, making the integration of multiple perspectives paramount and multiple stakeholders are part of the process. In such situations, studentsreact not onlywiththeir rational abilities but with all of theirsenses and skills (practical, affective, conceptual, imagination), in a wholepersonlearningapproach.
The annualLSM Cup, initiated and organized by a studententerprise, continues growing as the biggest CSR business game in Europe. One example of active involvement by the School’sstudents and faculty in socially positive initiatives alsooutside the classroom. Amongotherstudent-led initiatives, Academics for Developmentdoesentrepreneurshipprojectswith social impact, and our students are regularlyawarded for or involvedinto CSR projects (HERAAwards, LSM Conseil can help you become a B Corp).